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Q: Did England end up getting Florida and Canada?
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Does England love Canada more than the US?

After the revolutionary war, many Loyalists moved into Canada or had forts in Canada, but the USA. has been allies with England ever since the end of the War of 1812, and Canada was not a country during this time. So, in my perspective, England is politically more in ties with the USA. rather than Canada.

England lost control of Canada at the end of the Seven Years' War?

No, England did not lose control of Canada at the end of the Seven Years' War. Instead, as part of the Treaty of Paris in 1763, France ceded control of Canada to England. England then established the Province of Quebec, which remained under English control until the British Empire lost its North American colonies in the American Revolution.

Which group of French settlers refused to sign allegiance to the king of England when their homeland in Canada was given to England at the end of the French and Indian War?

The settlers of Acadia, later known as 'Cajuns'.

Do you think The end of the world war helped or hurt eastern Europe?

This helped England due to that they gained more importance in the world as did Canada gained independace (The birth a a Nation as seen in Canada)

What did the glorious revolution allow the colonists of the new England to do?

End the policies that allowed the Church of England to exist in New England.

What month do students of Canada end school?

The month students in Canada end school is in the End of June. (:

When will England end?

england will end when the world ends which (im not joking) could end in 2013

Why are Florida's borders were they are?

Because when America was still colonies, the person who owned Florida (probably an earl, who was given the land by King George of England) owned all that land. (S)He sold land to other people, and that whole piece of land that (at the end), he still owned, became Florida.

What country is due west of lands end?

Canada and Land's End are on the 50th parallel, so Canada is due West of Land's End.

When did Florida Flame end?

Florida Flame ended in 2006.

When did Republic of Florida end?

Republic of Florida ended in 1861.

When did Florida Bobcats end?

Florida Bobcats ended in 2001.