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George Wasington Carver was born in 1864. It is not recorded in history whether Carver knew other inventors. He was an agronomist, botanist, inventor and chemist whose place in the history books is assured.

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Q: Did George Washington Carver invent anything other than peanut butter?
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What is George Washington Carver inventing?

George Washington Carver's greatest invention is peanut butter.

Where did George Washington Carver invent peanut butter'?

George Washington carver found 300 diff. ways to make peanut butter

What is George Washington Carver's biggest invention?

George Washington Carver's greatest invention is peanut butter.

What did George Washington Carver find?

Peanut Butter

Who worked with peanut butter?

George Washington carver

Who invinted the peanut butter?

George Washington carver

What year did George Washington carver make peanut butter?

He made it in 1945. in 1919 george washinton carver made peanut butter

What is George Washington Carvers education background?

George Washington Carver was raised and lived on a farm! George Washington Carver is famous for the invention of peanut butter ,and cosmetics.

What invention is George Washington Carver best known for?

George Washington Carver cultivated the peanut. But he did NOT invent peanut butter.

Who invented the peanut butter diet?

george washington carver

When was peanut butter inveted?

1890 by George Washington Carver

How did george washington carver invented peanut butter?

with his hands