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First of all, The Bible contains no such phrase as: 'God the Son'. Not once! Not in Hebrew, not in Greek, not at all. Meaning 'zero' times. The phrase 'God the Son' comes from OUTSIDE the Bible, and has been placed into the 'doctrines' of many religions. There's no such thing as 'God the Son' in the Bible.

Instead, The Bible uses a different expression: It uses the expression: 'the Son of God' many times.

By that simple fact of calling someone 'the Father' and someone else 'the Son of God', it automatically tells us that one is older; namely The Father.

The Bible in Col1:15 calls the Son: "...the firstborn of every creature".

Please note 2 things.

1) He's called 'the firstborn'. Therefore he was 'born' from someone else.

2) The Son is placed in a category called: "of every creature". Creature comes from the word: created.

Revelation 4:14confirms the second point. It calls the Son: the beginning of the creation of God".

Admittedly others may believe differently from these terms that come right from the Bible. The Bible says what it says. People can believe what they wish.


Semantics aside, any English reader would see no difference in the word order of Son of God or God the Son, when reading say Psalm 2 when God the Father is speaking (LORD), it says in verse 7, 'I will declare the decree: The LORD has said to Me (Jesus eventually in physical time), YOU ARE MY SON, Today I have begotten you (physical birth as man)...' Or again when Jesus is baptized in Matthew 3:17, '...This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.' Suffice it to say in many places Jesus speaks of His Father, hence in the reciprocal, He is the Son - both God Family members.

As John 1:1-3 explains, the God Family creates and the Father does all this via His Word or Logos who would LATTER enter into the Father and Son relationship by becoming human and divesting Himself of His Divine glory. Jesus, as CREATOR, is the 1st over all PHYSICAL creation, and for that matter the spiritual creation of Angels, etc. He is also the 1st to be Resurrected to Eternal life, hence the 1st born of Man or the Son of Man. We shouldn't split hairs on translations or semantics and we should always allow the Bible to Interpret itself and not anyone else

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