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Gravitation acts everywhere including a vacuum, which is what outer space is. The attraction between two bodies of masses M1 and M2, a distance L apart, is proportional to (M1 x M2)/L2. This is Newton's Law Of Gravitation

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Q: Did Gravitational force Act in Vacuum If yes Which law explains it?
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Is the gravitational force turned off in a vacuum?

No, gravitational force acts everywhere in the universe, including in a vacuum. A vacuum simply means that there is no air or other matter present, but gravitational force still exists between objects with mass.

Is gravitational force of earth act in vacuum made by men on earth surface?

Gravitational forces act between every two masses. It makes no difference what is in the space between them, or what is not there, or how it came to be there or not to be there. Gravity does not care. Nothing in between the masses will make the gravitational forces any stronger or any weaker.

Which type of force can act through empty space?

Electromagnetic force is a type of force that can act through empty space. It is a fundamental force of nature that is responsible for interactions between charged particles.

Does the gravitational force act between any two objects?

Yes, the gravitational force acts between any two objects that have mass. This force is proportional to the masses of the objects and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

What forces act on a driver during a crash?

During a crash, the main forces acting on a driver are the collision force from the impact with another object or vehicle, the force from the deceleration of the vehicle, and the force from any restraints such as seat belts or airbags. These forces can cause injuries to the driver depending on the severity of the crash and the effectiveness of safety mechanisms in place.

What kinds of forces can act on an object?

Normal force can act on an object

What force explains the nuclear bomb explosion and radiation?

Mostly the strong force and weak force, these act in/on nucleus.

What forces act on a balloon car?

The main forces acting on a balloon car are the thrust force generated by the air escaping from the balloon, the friction force between the wheels and the surface, and air resistance. The thrust force propels the car forward, while friction helps transfer this force to the ground and air resistance acts against the car's motion. Additional forces may include gravity and normal force.

What directions can electrical force and gravitational force act?

Electrical can either attract or repel - gravity can only attract.

What best explains the Indian removal act?

It was used to force Indians from their homes.

How does centripetal force act on a satellite orbit?

by means of the gravitational forces between it and the planet

Which two forces act on you when you stand on ice?

When you stand on ice, the two forces acting on you are gravity pulling you downward towards the center of the Earth and the normal force exerted by the ice pushing upward on your feet to support your weight and prevent you from sinking.