

Did Harry trueman die of eye cancer?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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No. Harry Truman died of complications from Pneumonia at the age of 88.

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Q: Did Harry trueman die of eye cancer?
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What are the American statistics on eye cancer?

All types of eye cancer are rare in comparison to other cancerous tumors. According to the American Cancer Society, 2,090 people in the United States will be diagnosed with cancer of the eye or orbit in 2004, and 180 persons will die.

What happens if you don't treat eye cancer?

You'll probably die.

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Yes, Mad-Eye died.

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Mad-Eye Moody. harry's owl hedwig

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many like Mad Eye Moated and not to forget Dumbledore die, but Harry, Hermione and Ron survive and Voldemort is killed at last.

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At any age eye cancer can start

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Dobby, Remus Lupin, Nympadora Tonks, Colin Creevy, Mad-Eye Moody, and Harry (sort of).

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Many people die, theres Mad-Eye, Hedwig, Fred Weasley, and many others but i dont think any other main characters! and no, Harry does NOT die even though people say he does, he only pretends to die.... answer your question??

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No, he survived the wizarding war. While Harry and Seamus didnt see eye to eye at first they became friends later on and saved each other in the war that took place in Deathyl hollows part 2. First Seamus saved Harry and then Harry saved Seamus.

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no he dies in the first part of the deathly hallows

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Eyeball cancer andHyperacits crenya

Does Hermione Granger or Ron Weasley die in Harry Potter?

Neither of them do. Dobby, Mad-Eye Moody, Hedwig, and Lord Voldemort die, though.