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Yes, Helen Keller enjoyed the play "The Miracle Worker," as it depicted her early life story and her relationship with her teacher, Anne Sullivan. Keller saw the play as a tribute to the transformative impact Sullivan had on her life.

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Q: Did Helen Keller like the play the miracle worker?
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How do you describe Viney in the miracle worker?

In "The Miracle Worker," Viney is the maid in the Keller household. She is described as kind and caring, providing support to Annie Sullivan and helping with Helen Keller's care. Viney is a minor character who plays a supportive role in the story.

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I've played Percy before in The Miracle Worker. My interpretation of it is that when Helen pushes Martha over and grabs the scissors about to hurt Martha Percy runs over to the bell to inform the family inside of what's going on. It's almost automatic for Percy that when something like this happens with Helen he rings the bell. When I was doing it I added a line in where I yelled through the doorway: "Mrs Keller! Mrs Keller!" because Mrs Keller does indeed come out and get Helen off Martha. Hope this helped!

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Annie spole back to Keller in the miracle worker. He was saying that she was rude, and in his opinion women should be treated like the servants. Annie disagreed, and stood up for herself. Keller didn't aproove of this. He wanted her fired imidiately.

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It looks like she intends to leave the Keller house forever, but she really intends to take a small trip with Helen to the garden house so Annie can teach Helen respect.

What activities does Helen Keller like?

Helen Keller has been dead for years. She did like games where the mind was involved.

What is Helen Keller like?

They Where Gay

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no she like girls

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she did like education

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What are Annie's advantages in the miracle worker?

The advantages that Annie Sullivan has in The Miracle Worker is, she's had lots of work put behind her (due to Dr.Howe), she's young and full of energy which allows her to be able to do anything, and lastly. She was blind, just like the main character, Helen, is.

The Miracle Worker what is Helen like at age six when Annie comes to teach her?

I belive so. ( I went over this 2 months ago @ school... lol)

What did Helen Keller like to do?

be with her teacher anne sullivan