

Did Hitler hate Jews more than Judaism?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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There's no evidence that Hitler took any interest in Judaism (that is, the Jewish religion), but there is plenty of evidence that from about 1919 he was very preoccupied with Jews.

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Q: Did Hitler hate Jews more than Judaism?
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Does Hitler hate the Jews?

Not any more; he is dead.

Why did Hitler hate the Jews the most?

Hitler did not hate the Jews the most; a man called Julius Streicher hated them more, was even kicked out of the Nazi Party because he was too anti-Jewish.

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It would be difficult to say exactly how many hated Hitler, but it would probably be millions.

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There is no indication anywhere that Hitler hated juice. Especially, towards the end of his life, Hitler became more a vegetarian, so it is likely that he drank juice on several occasions.If you meant to ask "Why did Hitler hate the Jews?" please see this Related Question.

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When you read Mein Kampf, it is not so certain that Hitler actually hated anyone other than perhaps the French, and them for what happened after WW1. The policy the Nazis had against the Jews was more an example of Machiavellianism.

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No he killed 6 million Jews. Hitler was no leader. he was a murderer ruthless. evil, Satan incarnate, Germans hate him more than UK. best thing Hitler ever did was Die,

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Why did the Jews not change religion during the war?

If you're referring to World War II and Hitler's holocaust on the Jews... Hitler was against the Jews more as a race than as a religion. If a Jew practiced Christianity, it did not matter, they could still be taken to concentration camps, even if their families had converted generations ago. Also, if the people still practiced Judaism, they would rather face the wrath of Hitler than the wrath of God for changing religions.

Where can one find more information about Jews for Judaism?

Jews for Judaism is an organisation set up to help Jews worldwide to explore their heritage and strengthen their faith. A first stop for support for Jews would be their place of worship, the synagogue.

Where is the Judaism religion located?

Jews can be found around the world. The centre of Judaism is Israel and more specifically, Jerusalem.

Who would benefit from judaism?

Jewish people, and non-jews who want a more knowledgeable understanding of Judaism and its people.

Why do Jews hate Blacks?

It's mostly fear of the unknown, but there ARE racist Jews. Now, to add a similarly formatted question: Why do Christians hate blacks, and why do Irish hate women? Most Jews do not hate Blacks. On the contrary. Jews openly marched with Blacks petitioning for Civil Rights. Abraham Joshua Heschel, one of the leaders of Conservative Judaism, marched with Dr. King on numerous occasions. Jews often saw a kinship between themselves and Blacks in that they were both repressed and brutalized by White Society for a very long period. In fact, Black hatred of Judaism is far more common than Jewish hatred of Blacks. Numerous Black Israelite Churches specifically allege that Jews are the spawn of Satan and numerous other more colorful terms. There are other Black Churchgoers who toe the Christian line that Jews are hell-bound, which while being a step up from demonic spawn, is still a form of hatred or derision.