

Did Holocaust victims get buried faced up?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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no they got buried face down

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Q: Did Holocaust victims get buried faced up?
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How were most Holocaust victims executed?

Gas Chambers They could hold up to 1,000 people at one time

Were there any US or British victims in the Holocaust?

Yes, a few awkward British and American prisoners of war ended up in Auschwitz, for example.

What was the reasons given for the leader selectng the victims who became a part of the Holocaust?

when the leader was forced to select the victims, he would usually say that he was picking them so that others might live. For example Mordechai Rumkowski one of the most controversial leaders during the Holocaust once asked people to give up their children so that they might live

How many transgenders were killed during the holocaust?

about 10 000, for a group that were 'victims of the Holocaust' they had the best survival rate. Himmler estimated that there were up to 4 million homosexuals in the Reich, but they made no effort to persecute them, of this only 150 000 were ever arrested.

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Popes are not buried standing up. They are buried in the normal position.

Did Heinrich Himmler kill only Jews?

Victims of the holocaust were not only Jews; other persecuted groups were homosexuals, communists, Gypsies, and Jehovah's Witnesses.

How did people the people who died or were locked up become victims of the holocaust?

Many Nazi's were forced to take any Jewish people that were in hiding and kill them because Germany or Europe were way to over populated by Jews.

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They were for cremating (burning) the corpses of people who had been gassed.

What did the allies set up in the year of the Holocaust?

There was no single 'year of the Holocaust' ...

What did Hitler do for the holocust?

Adolph Hitler dreamed up the holocaust. Hitler planned the holocaust. Hitler supervised the holocaust.

What economic aspects led up to the Holocaust?

The motivation for the holocaust was ideological, not economic.