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Q: Did Italians fight for allied forces after surrender?
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What led to the surrender of Italy's government during world war 2?

The arrest and execution of Benito Mussolini on orders of the King.The repelling of the Nazi Forces from Sicily and then past Rome.The Italians were sabotaging the Nazis because they hated the Nazis.The Italians were surrendering to the Allied Forces in droves. They informed the Allied Forces they never want to fight against them and wanted to join them.The Nazis were not able to keep up the front in Russia and the front in Italy.

What was Mussolinis Italy responsible for?

the invasion of Ethiopia

What were Mussolini's beliefs during World War 2?

Mussolini was a dreamer. He had the notion that Italy would bring the Roman Empire back into existence. He admired the fascist government of the Third Reich. He chose to ally himself (never mind that the Italians did not want to ally themselves with the Nazi Germans) with Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. He did not however agree with the the killing of the Jews. He thought he could expand the Italian Empire with the aid of the Nazis. He started by invading the nation of Abyssinia now known as Ethiopia. The Nazis did help him and he had his military help the Nazis. The Nazis came to Italy and basically took over. They used their Nazi bully tactics on the Italians. The Italians were not afraid to resist or fight back. Some Italians were forced into the military and had to fight the Allied Forces when they really wanted to be part of the Allied Force. Eventually, the Italians were able to kill Mussolini and work with the Allied Forces.

What countries did the allied forces fight against?

Austria/hungary and japan

Who did Australia fight with in World War 1?

Australia was part of the Allied forces

Which side was France on in World War 2?

France was part of the allied forces (America, UK, Australia etc.) until it was taken over by Germany, the Nazis made France into a "puppet" nation and than ordered them to fight against the allies. They began on the allied side, but were forced to surrender and join the axis forces after being conquered by the Nazis.

What country was the last to fight Germany in the west during World War II?

All allied forces in the west stopped fighting on the signing of the surrender on 8th May 1945. You cannot differentiate between countries as their forces were all under the command of General Eisenhower.

What has been formed to meet the challenge in World War 2?

The Allied Forces were formed to fight the Axis Forces.

What has been formed to meet the challenge world war 2?

The Allied Forces were formed to fight the Axis Forces.

True or false the USA helped defeat the Japanese after they attacked the USA in pearl harbor?

True. After the attack on Pearl Harbour, the USA joined the Allied Forces in their fight against the German/ Italian/ Japanese coalition (the Axis Powers). After the surrender of Italy and Germany in Europe the Allied Forces tuned thier attention to Japan; although the major thrust against the Japanse came from the US armed forces.

Why did Japanese and Darwin fight?

The Japanese bombed Darwin to neutralise Allied naval and air forces there.

Meaning of allied armies?

Armed forces from different countries unite to fight a common enemy