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He was shot from behnd

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Q: Did JFK get shot from behind or in front?
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What Happened When JKF died?

JFK was shot from behind by Lee Harvy Oswald. There is also a conspiracy theory that, JFK was also shot from the front, some people think it was JFK's driver that shot him, but if you watch the video that was taken of this day you will notice from the angle that it was little to the side coming in the direction of the grassy knowl! Some also think that the both shots where from the behind, but by the movement of JFK's body when he was hit by the second bullet you notice that his body moves back this would not happen if he was hit by the behind on the second bullet...

Who was JFK jr. running against when shot?

JFK wasn't shot, he died in a plane crash.

Did the bullet that shot JFK go from front to back or back to front?

There was 2 or more shooters search the the "day the dream died" on youtube

Why was Lee Harvey Oswald shunned?

Because they thought he killed JFK. But an ex FBI agent told us that it couldn't have been him because the building was behind him and he was shot in the front. The FBI agent had interviewed a person a week before JFK's assassination and the person he interviewed was threatening to kill JFK. The FBI agent also found a picture of the man he interviewed a week before standing behind JFK's car. He also proved the rifle couldn't have been the weapon that killed JFK. Because it was bolt action. How could have Lee Harvey Oswald shot 3-6 rounds that fast? Hope this helped!

Was JFK in a limo when he was shot?


Was JFK shot in the eye?

No, he was not.

Was JFK shot in the back?

He was shot in the head & neck.

What was the cause of JFK dead?

He was shot!

What is the best shot placement to kill a deer with a shotgun?

A lung/heart shot is the best - low behind the front shoulder

What are some facts about JFK?

he got shot

Who shot JFK?

Lee Harvey Oswald

Which state was JFK shot in?

John F Kennedy was shot in Dallas, Texas.