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Roman Catholic AnswerNot openly, but privately he let it be known to Catholics that as long as they gave at least outward obedience to the Crown and the official religion of England, they would not be prosecuted.
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Q: Did James allow Catholics to worship how they wished?
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Why did many English catholics come to America in the 1600's?

to escape a kingdom that did not allow them to worship freely

What colony was founded in 1634 to allow Catholics to worship freely?

A royal charter to found a colony was granted to the English Catholic nobleman, Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore in 1632. The earliest settlers of the Maryland colony included both Catholics and Protestants, but Catholics held the key positions in colony government.

What kind foods catholics not allow have lent?

on fridays catholics are not allowed to eat meat by:snakeman

Mary 1 has just died 1558 and left the throne to Elizabeth her half sister. She asked Elizabeth to allow Catholics to worship freely and to maintain Catholicism. What should Elizabeth 1st do?

She did what she was raised to do. She converted the land back to Protestantism.

Who granted freedom of worship to nearly all Protestants but not to Catholics or Jews?

In England, the Toleration act was granted by Parliament and approved by the Crown in 1689 to grant toleration to Trinitarian Christians, it purposely did not apply to Catholics, nontrinitarians and atheists. In Maryland a similar Act was passed in 1649, along the same lines, only applying to Trinitarian Christians - but not Catholics. In 1712 Scotland passed a similar act to allow greater freedom to Anglicans.

Why did people imigrated?

Well there are MANY reasons why people immigrate. like many Europeans came to America to be free of the Catholics who wouldn't allow them to worship freely. Some leave their homes (countrys) for money, land, jobs, etc. hope this helped :)

Why did Catholics settle in Maryland?

Maryland was settled by Catholics as it was the only colony at the time that would allow them to practice their faith without fear of persecution.

Can a reveron get married after becoming one?

It depends in which denomination the Reverend is from, as catholics do not allow it.

Do catholics allow filming during marriages?

Catholics are against pornography that involves people over 16, so as such are against filming their wedding night.

Which one of anti-catholic sentiment erupted in Maryland when in 1689 news arrived of the deposition of a James you b Charles ii c James ii d Charles you?

james llThe deposition of James II, king of England and the colonizer of Maryland. James II was a very sincere and loyal Catholic convert, who was tolerant of all religions and sought to allow Catholics freedom of worship in England. He even appointed Catholics to his privy council, although this was in violation of English law. King James' officers and bishops all defected and on December 10, 1688 he fled to France. Most of England, protestant at that time, united with Dutch troops marching into London on December 17, and a day later William and Mary entered London and on the last of 1688 the House of Lord asked them to take over the government. The news didn't reach Maryland until 1689.james ll

Did the Catholics disapprove of Protestants because they believed that the Protestant denomination emphasized rituals and did not allow for individual thinking?

No, just the opposite. The Protestants didn't believe that the number of rituals were as important as the worship of God. They also believed that the Bible is the word of God, that anyone could read it, and that the language of the church service didn't have to be Latin.But pretty much the Catholics didn't like the Protestants because they said that the Catholic way of doing things wasn't good.The rituals are part of the worship of God. The Protestant reliance on the Bible and individual interpretation is the reason there are 300+ Protestant sects.

Why was Maryland Colony looking for religious freedom?

England was in flux during this period of time. The official religion bounced back and forth from Catholism (Henry VII) to Protestant (Henry VIII) back to Catholism and finally back to Protestant. In the time of King George, it was a sort of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" thing, which was better than the active hunting and destroying thing. Catholics believed that being further away would allow them to worship the way they wished, while still being loyal to the crown and helping England (and themselves) financially. TRUE