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For Christians, Jesus was their saviour. However, Jesus plays absolutely no role in Judaism. Of the Jews who think that Jesus actually existed as a real person, the majority think he would have been a false prophet at most. Additionally, the Christian concept of 'saviour' does not exist in Judaism.

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Yes, but the Jewish Messiah has not yet come, while the Christian Messiah has.

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Q: Did Jews and Christians refer to their savior as the Messiah?
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What do Jews and christians disagree about?

Who Jesus Christ was... a good teacher/rabbi or the true son of God and Savior of the World Jews did not believe in Christ as the Messiah, the savior of the world. What they expect for a Messiah is a political messiah that would liberate them from the Romans at that time. They were just disappointed when they knew that Jesus is talking to another kind of saving the world.

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Jews are not Christians. Christians believe that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah. Jews (and remember- Jesus was a Jew himself) believe that the Messiah has not yet come.

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Christians believe Jesus is the messiah, Jews don't.

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Christians believe that the Messiah Has Come. Jews believe that He Has not.

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yes the difference is that Jews still wait for the messiah and Christians believe that Jesus Christ is the messiah

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Christians believe that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah. Jews disagree.

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Jewish people worship the same god as Christians do. Jews believe that the Messiah has not come to Earth yet; Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah; and Muslims believe Mohammad is the prophet of Alah but was not a holy being. The Muslim understanding of Mohammad would be paralle to the Jewish view Jesus.

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The Jews are waiting for the messiah to come. Christians believe Jesus was the messiah.

What are reasons for divisions between Judaism and Christianity?

. Both Jews and Christians believe in God, only Jews are still waiting for the Messiah, whereas Christians believe that Jesus Christ was the Messiah.

Why did Jews accuse Jesus?

Some of them were not yet willing to admit that Jesus is Messiah and savior. It was also prophesied that some of them would reject the Messiah.

What kind of Jews believe in Jesus Christ as messiah?

Ethnically Jewish people who are Christians or Messianic Jews. It is worth noting that most Jews consider Messianic Jews to be Christians.

What is the difference between jews and Christians?

The acceptance, or non-acceptance, of Jesus as savior.