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yes they did because Hitler was killing their neighbors and friends but yeah they did.

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Q: Did Jews start migrating to the US after World War 2?
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What country has more Jews during World War 2?

At the start of World War 2 was Poland with 3.3 Million Jews. by the end of World War 2, it only had 250,000 left and by then the Soviet Union had the most surviving Jews, which was 1.75 Million. Total of 1.1 Million Soviet Jews were killed during the Holocaust.

Who is idea was it to start killing the Jews?

Adolf Hitler. His actions resulted in World War II.

Which Holocaust Memorial Museum is dedicated to Jews in world war 2?

start with Yad Vashem

How did the Jews start the first world war?

They had no part whatsoever in the outbreak of World War 1 (or World War 2), except in Nazi propaganda. The whole notion is a complete fantasy!

Did the holocaust start after World War 2?

no it was during and before WW2 when Hitler started gassing Jews

Did the Jews win World War 2?

No, the Jews were not a side in World War 2. The Jews collectively were not combattants.

World War 2 why did world war start?

Germany blamed the Jews, Gypsies, un-Aryian races for the loss in world war one so Germany killed the Jews, Gypsies, etc... Japan wanted to control The pacific and southeast Asia and attacked the USA for them to get into the war. There're fault he he he.

Which war did more people die in World War 1 or World War 2?

world war 2 kid, think about it, Jews, lots and lots of Jews...

Jews died in World War 2?

about 6 million Jews died in all world war 2.

Was there any justice for the Jews after World War 2?

There was a lot of sentiment for Jews after World War 2. Israel was created for Zionist Jews as a result.

What did Germans start?

Germans started World War I in 1914 and World War II in 1939. Additionally, Germans initiated the Holocaust during World War II which led to the systematic genocide of six million Jews.