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Q: Did John Calvin insisted that Christians return to the Roman church?
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What has the author James Calvin written?

James Calvin has written: '1991 tax return preparer's guide'

Is Jesus coming back to get all the Christians?

Yes, it is a promise. Soon, Jesus will return to Rapture (take to heaven) his church. Be ready. The Bible says Jesus' return will surprise eveyone. It will be like a thief in the night.

Why do christians only go to church every Sunday?

Many Christians go to church on Sunday, for Sunday school and then worship service. Then they return to church Sunday evening and on Wednesday evening. In between these services there are sometimes special functions and of course on other days a Christian will read and study the scriptures. Christians grow and mature in their faith and faithfulness from the time they are chosen by God for salvation up to the day they die, so you will find Christians from one end of the spectrum to the other depending on their growth. There are those of course who do not grow much at all and that is to their detriment.

Would Jesus really come as Christians believe?

Christians have believed in the imminent return of Jesus since the early days of the Church. Mark's Gospel has Jesus predict his return during the lifetime of his own disciples' generation. By the time the other gospels were being written, it was beginning to be clear that this prophecy would not be met, and each subsequent gospel paid less attention to his return within the current generation. Christians continued to expect an imminent return of Jesus. A major expection was that he would return at the start of the new millennium, in 1000 CE. Jehovah's Witnesses have identified several specific years when Jesus would return, with disappointment in each case. Today, many Christians believe that he will return 'soon', but accept that 'soon' is not necessarily during their own lifetimes. Others say that Jesus has died and will not return.

How did Reagan encourage a return to traditional values?

Reagan was supported by evangelical christians during his campaign and he encouraged things like church on Sunday and normal marriages between a man and a women

What is the resolution in wrinkle of time?

At the end of A Wrinkle in Time, Charles Wallace is freed, and the three Murrys and Calvin return home.

What saint to pray for family to return to Catholic Church?

St. Monica, who prayed for her son St. Augustine to return to the Church.

How is the Catholic Church involved with Christian denominations?

.Catholic AnswerThe Catholic Church looks on our separated brethren with love and concern. All of those who are validly baptized are Christians, and we are responsible for them as our brothers in Christ. The primary effort of the Church with regard to these separated brethren is the ecumenical movement which is the Church's effort to return them to the Church and help ensure their salvation. Many of the efforts by the Second Vatican Council were aimed at reuniting Christians into the Church. The Church has made a lot of headway with specific denominations, such as the Lutherans, and the reunion of those who are Catholic in that they still have valid sacraments and clergy, such as the Orthodox, the Old Catholics, the Polish National Catholics, and the Society of St. Pius X are dear the the heart of the Church.

What church was created by parliament and elizabeth to return England to protestantism?

The Anglican Church!

What do the boys find when they return to the church?

it was on fire ...

Is a Methodist pastor allowed to return for a visit after leaving church?

Certainly they may return to the church. Most don't do it very often to show respect for the new pastors.

What movenment led to the Reformation of the 1500s?

The Reformation of the 1500s was primarily led by individuals such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Ulrich Zwingli, who sought to reform the practices and beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church. These Reformers criticized the church's corruption, questioned its teachings, and called for a return to the principles of early Christianity. Their efforts ultimately led to the establishment of Protestantism as a distinct branch of Christianity.