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Joseph did accuse his brothers of spying , and doing bad for good rendered by Joseph.

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Q: Did Joseph accuse his brothers of being spies in order to get his whole family safe in Egypt?
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Did Joseph accuse his brothers of being spies in Egypt?

Yes, Joseph accused his brothers of being spies when they first came to Egypt to buy grain during a famine. He wanted to test their honesty and see if they had changed since they had mistreated him in the past.

Did Joseph's older brothers hated him and therefore killed him?

Even as the brothers were jealous of Joseph they did not kill him , they sold him as a slave in Egypt.

What is the plot of the story of Joseph?

The story of Joseph, found in the Book of Genesis, follows Joseph, one of Jacob's sons who is sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. Joseph rises to power in Egypt through his ability to interpret dreams, ultimately reuniting with his family and forgiving his brothers for their betrayal. The story highlights themes of jealousy, forgiveness, and divine providence.

Who was the man sold into slavery by his brothers?

The man who was sold into slavery by his brothers in the Bible was Joseph, the son of Jacob. Despite his misfortune, Joseph eventually rose to a position of power in Egypt and was able to reunite with his family.

How did the evil acts of Joseph's brothers bring good in the end?

Joseph was sold into slavery in Egypt and was responsible later for the the great store of grain which sustained Egyptians and others such as Joseph's family during the years of famine.

What did Joseph's brothers do to deceive their father to cover up that they had sold Joseph into slavery?

The brothers sold Joseph to traders in Egypt, but the brothers smeared blood on the coloured coat and said a wild animal killed Joseph.

What happened when Joseph met up with his brothers many years later in Egypt?

Joseph forgive them and went back home with his father and brothers

How many exiles went down to Egypt with Jacob in 1700 BC?

When Jacob went to Egypt it was because of a famine in the land of Canaan where he and his family lived. They were not exiles. Jacob had twelve sons, one of which was Joseph who was sold into slavery by his brothers and he was taken to Egypt. He was favored by God over time and became the second in Command under Pharaoh in Egypt. Jacob sent his other sons to Egypt to buy wheat so they would not starve. Eventually Joseph was made known to his brothers and so Joseph invited his father, Jacob and his brothers and their families to come to Egypt and live. Jacob and his sons and their families in total who went to Egypt were seventy persons.

What caused Jacob to take his family to Egypt?

Jacob took his family to Egypt to reunite with his son Joseph, who had become a powerful ruler in Egypt. There was a severe famine in the land, and Joseph had urged his family to come to Egypt where there was food and shelter available.

How many shekels did the brothers sell Joseph for?

The brothers sold Joseph for twenty shekels of silver to Ishmaelite traders who took him to Egypt.