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No, the only ones who get money from the estate are Michael's mother and his three children.

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Q: Did Latoya Jackson get money from Michael Jackson's estate?
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Who is richer Michael Jackson or Michael Jordan?

Michael Jackson is richer, Michael Jordan is worth about 1 million ,Michael Jackson is up there in the billions michael is the richer kid and is a short fish Opin

Who owns the rights to Bob Marley's songs?

Michael Jackson the publishing rights for a number of songs, including a large portion of the Beatles catalog when he acquired Northern Lights LTD in 1985. He does not own the copyrights, those are still held by the original composers (or their estates).

What songs does Michael Jackson own?

Michael Jackson personally does not own any songs because he is dead, but his estate owns all of the the songs recorded by Michael Jackson and all of the beatles songs before the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album.

Who is richer Michael Jackson or Oprah?

Michael Jackson was richer in the 70's and 80's but Janet made the bank since the 90's and so on but together both of them togetherhas sold over 1.5 billion records and have a fotune of about $3 billion with Michael l making 2/3 of it

How much money did Michael Jackson have when he died?

Michael Jackson's Net WorthThere are so many different estimates out there, but it is being reported by CNBC that Michael Jackson could have been up to $500 million in debt.This will no doubt change in relationship to his estate, now that sales related to his music and associated items are soaring.$420 million in debt -- I mean, yes, he was the "King of Pop," but he had a spending problem.Latest Update on Michael Jackson's WorthATV Catalog share (50%) of songs worth an estimated $1 billion;Michael Jackson's Catalog of songs (100% share ) worth an estimated $1 billion;Michael Jackson brand rights, worth an estimated $3 billion.Total worth: $5 billion as of June 30, 2009.Also, once they publish Michael Jackson's last will, we will know much more about Michael's final net worth. His will is supposed to be filed to LA court in a few days.Although with all this he is the richest musician ever.

Related questions

What was Andrew Jacksons estate called?

Andrew Jackson's estate is known as the Hermitage and is located near Nashville, Tennessee.

What did Michael Jackson name his estate?


Who bought Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch?

It's split between Colony Capital LLC and Michael's estate.

Who purchase netherland from Michael Jackson?

Michael Jackson never owned "netherland" whatever that is. His estate was called "Never Land"

How much is Michael Jackson worth?

Michael Jackson is worth $400 million in estate from his records, The Beatles catalog, and from sony.

Do Michael Jackson's parents live together?

Joseph Jackson currently lives in Las Vegas, Nevada, while Katherine Jackson lives at the Jackson family estate in Encino, California. While they do not live together, they do visit each other regularly.

Should Michael Jackson's unreleased songs go to his children?

Most likely they'll go to the Michael Jackson Estate, which I believe is his children.

Who is richer Jermaine or Michael Jackson?

Michael Jackson had more wealth but as he is now deceased it is R Kelly.

Who owns the movie rights to beach music?

beach boys ?

Do Michael Jackson still own beatle royalty?

Yes. Paul McCartney and John Lennon (now his estate) always owned 50% of the rights to the Beatles catalog. However, in an effort to save on taxes, the remaining 50% interest were sold to a company called ATV. When ATV was up for sale, Michael Jackson purchased ATV's interest. This did not diminish the royalties payable to Paul and John's estate. Sony then purchased a portion of ATV from Michael Jackson. However, Michael Jackson's estate remains an owner in Sony ATV.

Who is richer Michael Jackson or Michael Jordan?

Michael Jackson is richer, Michael Jordan is worth about 1 million ,Michael Jackson is up there in the billions michael is the richer kid and is a short fish Opin

Who do I contact to report copyright violations of Michael Jackson's work?

His estate is managed by John Branca.