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No, Leonardo did not finish the horse sculpture because the Duke had him build a cannon instead to be ready for the french invasion.

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Q: Did Leonardo finish the horse sculpture?
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Related questions

Did Leonardo da Vinci build a horse?

Only a very small sculpture of a horse.

What kind of art did Leonardo do?

Paintings and one small horse sculpture.

What was Leonardo's first step when he started working on the horse sculpture?

He had to study horses

What sculpture Leonardo da Vinci make?

Leonardo made a sculpture called leonardos horse. he was almost done with the horse but he died. then charlie dent tried to finish the horse but before he finished, he died of Lou gerhig's diasese. so Nina akamu finished it but noticed it was out of proportion. Nina had to restart the horse all over. after the horse was finally complete, it was shipped off to Italy to show remembrance of Leonardo da vici. hope i helped!!

Who tried to finish Leonardo's invention the horse?

Charles Dent

Was Leonardo da Vinci a sculpter?

Yes though he only made 1 sculpture, a small horse

What projects did Leonardo not finish?

He designed buildings, a giant sculpture, bridges, weapons ... all unfinished. In the Uffizi museum, Florence, there is a painting 'Adoration of the Magi' he began but did not finish.

Did Leonardo da Vinci Finish Any sculptures?

No, he did not.

What was Leonardo's greatest horse sculpture?

He made plans and preparations for a giant equestrian statue in Milan. But the metal was instead used to make weapons. So the only horse sculpture he made is a very small one in the National Museum of Budapest.

What made Leonardo da Vinci start sculpting?

He never really got into sculpture. There is a tiny horse made by him, now in Budapest.

What was the result of Leonardo da Vinci's work?

30-odd paintings, one very small horse sculpture, about 11000 pages of sketchbooks.

What did Leonardo da Vinci acomplish?

he made over 30 pieces of art sadly only 22 are still around plus a small sculpture of a horse