

Did Libya have elected government

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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No. The current government in Libya is the first that was even quasi-democratic. Libya has been ruled by dictators, monarchies, and strongmen from its beginnings until 2011.

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Q: Did Libya have elected government
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What form of government does Libya have?

Libya government is a Unitary Parliamentary Republic

When was moamar kadhafi elected president of Libya?

He was never elected. He seized power at the head of a group of army officers.

What makes the democratic government in libya?

At the moment Libya dies not have a democratic government. If it is to have one (after the present troubles are over) then it needs to hold free and open elections where people can vote for their representatives to govern them. The elected representatives can then form a democratic government which, to remain democratic, needs to stand down so that new elections can take place every 4/5 years.

When Qaddafi have became the president of Libya?

Since 1969----he is not elected by the Libyan people, he only declares himself "The Brother Leader of Libya".

Is Libya a monarchy?

No it has a Provisional government.

Is Libya a republic?

No,it is a Provisional government.

Libya's military government can they be a member of the united Nations?

Libya no longer has a military government so they can at least apply for membership of UN.

What type of government does Libya have?

Jamahiriya (a state of the masses) in theory, governed by the populace through local councils; in practice, an authoritarian state.

Why US bombed Libya?

because if the current government is deposed, Libya may become an ally

What is libya's government based on?

Islamic traditions.

Who is the head of the government in libya?

Muammar Gaddafi


This question is rather difficult to answer since, as of 2016, Libya is in the midst of a civil war. However, the last stable government in Libya was the government led by the Caudillo Qadhafi. That was certainly an UNLIMITED GOVERNMENT; there was no rule of law when applied to Qadhafi or those he deigned to support.