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Not at all. The Nephilim are usually credited in The Bible for bringing Astrology and other "forbidden" knowledge to humanity.

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Q: Did Lucifer create the Zodiac
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Did lucifer create man?

An angel does not have that power.

Is Orion a zodiac constellation?

In 2160 Orion (Lucifer, Osiris, Horus, Nemrod, etc.) will return on the circle.

What did GOD use to create Lucifer?

By definition, "to create" means to make something out of nothing.

Did god know what he was doing when he created his highest angel Lucifer?

GOD exists and he probably knew Lucifer was that way he just needed a way to expose him to the other Angels or he needed Hell so he waited for Lucifer to rebel so that he could create Hell therefore testing humans faith

Why did God create Lucifer?

God created Lucifer as a beautiful and powerful angel with free will. Lucifer's pride and rebellion against God led to his fall from grace and becoming Satan. This event serves as a demonstration of the consequences of misusing free will and serves as a test of faith for humanity.

Who is Lucifer's brothers?

As far as we know Lucifer does not have a son. Lucifer is a spiritual being and they do not procreate.

How many in Jesus?

52. I have found this answer by subtracting the root of lucifer by the angle of god to create st peter. this then divides by pie to make Jesus.

What powers does lucifer possess?

Lucifer has the power of illusion.

Did God created Lucifer?

There are a thousand gods, each by a different name to a different religion but one we all believe in: The god who knows right from and is the map to guide us and only does what is right. Why did god create Lucifer? He felt it was the correct thing to do. god did not create lucifer any more than he would create a murder or robber. we all have free will and know the difference between right and wrong. just as Adam and eve choice for themselves so we all must choice for our self. taking in knowledge of god will help us make the right decisions. john 17;3

Do freemasons love Lucifer?

No, Freemasons don't love Lucifer.

Was Lucifer the worship leader of heaven?

Lucifer is a fallen angel.

How can you use lucifer in a sentence?

Lucifer means Light-bearer.