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Margaret Thatcher supported contradictory measures regarding gay people. First she was one of a handful of British conservatives who supported the decriminalization of Homosexuality. Unfortunately, later she also supported one of the nastiest anti-gay measures of modern times: the infamous Section 28 of the Local Government Act 1988, which forbade schools from teaching "the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship".

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Margaret Thatcher supported contradictory measures regarding gay people. First she was one of a handful of British conservatives who supported the decriminalization of Homosexuality. Unfortunately, later she also supported one of the nastiest anti-gay measures of modern times: the infamous Section 28 of the Local Government Act 1988, which forbade schools from teaching "the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship".

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Why people hate Justin Bieber-?

He is gay

How does Taylor Swift feel about gay people?

Taylor Swift doesn't hate gays. She doesn't hate anyone.

Does diggy simmons hate gay people?

As a young african american male living in an extremely homophobic culture diggy cannot openly embrace his own true sexuality which is that of a young gay male,so no he does not hate gay people although he may distance himself from that for fear of being exposed.

Why do people say One Direction are gay?

Because people are stupid and judge people because they are jealous or don't like them. One direction is not gay. People just start rumors. Honestly I hate it when people call them gay because how do you think they feel? Being called gay or lesbian is offensive and no one wants to be called that. The boys all love eachother like family, not boyfriend.

Does Bill kaultz hate gay guys?

He has no prob with them. Some of his friends are.

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Why do gay people hate being called gay?

The gay people I know don't hate being called gay. Young people use the word gay in an offensive way. This is abuse and bullying and good people never do it.

Is Kevin pham gay?

Yep :( he so gay that gay people hate him

Why do gay people get all the hate?

Cause they think gay people are different and some people are afraid of different, so forget those people. If you're gay don't be ashamed of who you are just be yourself and do what feels right, okay.

Why people hate Justin Bieber-?

He is gay

Do gay people hate some boys?

No. Gay people have the same feelings as everyone else, but gays in general don't hate some boys.

Does Carrie Underwood hate people?

she doesn't hate 'gay' people. she loves everyone, she's a sweetheart.

Do gay people hate their life?

No, not at all. However, gay people are constantly confronted by homophobes, who try to make them hate their lives. It doesn't work. Gay people generally have happy lives.

Should you hate gay people?

No. You shouldn't hate anyone just because they are different from you.No