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but he should have

that is disrespectful for everything this country fought for and all the soldiers did for us

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Q: Did Marilyn Manson go to jail for wiping his ass with the American flag?
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How do you spell American flag?

American flag is correct.

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What is the design of the American flag?

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There is no such thing as the south American flag, the north American flag or the American flag. Countries have flags, not continents.

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The significance of American flag is to show that were the best.

Will the Government track your activities online if you email Charles Manson?

Just sending an email to Manson won't get you investigated unless you email something that would raise a 'red flag' for prison staff.

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There is no eagle on the American flag.

Can you iron the American flag?

No you may not iron the American flag.

How do you say the American flag in german?

the American flag = die amerikanische Fahne the American flag = die amerikanische Flagge

Is the unuon flag the same as the American flag?

No, the Union Flag is the flag of the United Kingdom. The American flag is sometimes known as the Stars and Stripes