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Q: Did Mendel develop the first workable theory of the transfer of inherited traits?
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Mendel concluded that traits are what?

Traits are inherited through the passing of factors from parents to offspring

What is Mendel's theory of transfer of traits?

mendel theory transfer of traits

What did Mendel determine was not a good explanation for how traits were passed on from parent to offspring?

Traits are inherited through the genes of parents to their offspring. Traits can be a genetic transfer.

First to discover that genes were inherited traits?

Gregor Mendel

Gregor Mendel concluded that traits are what?


Who conducted a study on inherited traits?


Who discovered that traits were inherited?

Gregor Mendel

What is the name of The study of what is inherited?

Gregor Johann Mendel

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What was Mendel's main contribution to hereditary science?

Gregor Mendel showed the way dominant and recessive traits are inherited and expressed.

What is the name of the scientist that study inherited characteristics?

Gregor Johann Mendel

What two kinds of traits did gregor mendel discover?

Inherited traits.