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Napoleon unified Western Europe under one code of laws, the Napoleonic code.

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Q: Did Napoleon unify Europe
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Did Napoleon Bonaparte unify Europe?

No, but that was his intent.

What did Napoleon not do to help France?

It is very vague to ask what someone did not do, however I think you mean what he tried to do but failed. Napoleon tried to unify all of Europe, which he did, but eventually, Britain and Austria broke out and he did not defeat them. He was also unable to conquer Russia.

How much of Europe did Napoleon conquer?


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Who is the bad guy of the 19th century?

In Europe this would most likely be Napoleon III. He named himself emperor and got many European nations involved in the Crimean War just so that he could get revenge on the countries who beat his uncle (Napoleon Bonaparte). He then helped unify Italy but broke promises with Cavour when it was time for him to pull the French out of Rome. If you don't like that, then maybe Bismarck? He did good things (unify Germany) but did so through wars with Austria and France.

What did Napoleon do for the French?

Napoleon overthrough the monarchy and took over the main pert of Europe.

What did Napoleon do for French?

Napoleon overthrough the monarchy and took over the main pert of Europe.

Which french rulers had plans for empires in Europe and the Americas?

Napoleon Bonaparte

Who has made a difference in Europe?

Napoleon Bonaparte.