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Q: Did Nigeria gain its Independence peacefully?
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By war

Why did some countries gain independence peacefully?

because they was already free

What conflict broke out after Nigeria gain independence?

There was no large conflict after Nigeria gained independence in 1960. The Nigerian Civil War was their main conflict, however it did not start until 1967

Are there any special celebrations in Nigeria?

Nigeria Independence Day

When did Nigeria got her independence?

Nigeria got her independence in October 1 1960.

Why did the think smaller Caribbean countries were able to gain independence peacefully?

Many smaller Caribbean countries were able to gain independence peacefully due to the changing attitudes towards colonial rule after World War II, the influence of global decolonization movements, and the economic challenges faced by colonial powers which made maintaining control less feasible. Additionally, some countries negotiated their independence agreements with colonial powers, minimizing conflict.

When is Nigeria Independence Day?

Nigeria independence day is october 1st every year.

Who were the contributors to Nigeria's gain of independence?

Obafemi Awolowo,Namdi Azikwe,Tafawa Balewa,H.O Davies,Samuel Akinsanya,and a whole lot of them

Which latin American nations gained indepence peacefully in 1822?

Brazil gained independence peacefully in 1822.

When did Venezuela gain independence?

Venezuela gain Independence in the 1830

Who moved the motion for Nigeria's independence?

The man that moved the Nigeria independence motion in 1953 was chief Anthony Enahoro