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Diana and Prince Charles shared custody of the children

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Q: Did Princess Diana get to keep her children after divorce?
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Can you keep insurance on your spouse if you divorce and have no children together?

No. For more info see

You are divorce and your exwife doesnt want to change her name what can you do?

Nothing. She has the right to keep her name or take back her maiden name. Most women, if there are children, keep the name. Get over it.

What major contributions did goddess Diana make?

none. because she isn't a goddess. she was just a princess who wanted peace. ANSWER: She was the goddess of the hunt and said to be an expert archer who helped keep the animal population in check.

Can a wife keep her spouse's name after divorce?

Certainly ... there is no law preventing this ... it is purely the woman's choice ... Usually done in cases where there are children involved as the children have some sort of continuity between the split up family.

Do you have to keep your surname after divorce if you have kids?

No, you certainly don't. You can change back to your maiden name. As one person notes: my auntie has children and her name is back to what it was before she got married!

Why did Prince Charles marry Princess diana?

Diana was chosen by Charles and Camilla out of the English aristocrats because she was young, a virgin (a requirement at the time, although this probably could have been waived since Prince Andrew's wife was not a virgin when they married), and was thought to be a "mouse" who would be quiet and let Charles have his affairs. Charles wanted to have children. He wanted HIS line to succeed instead of his brothers' or sister's line. At the time of his marriage, his sister Anne already had a son and a daughter, so his heirs weren't really needed to keep the monarchy going.

How long do you have to keep a final divorce decree?

It is important to keep a final divorce decree in a safe place. A person might need the final divorce decree in the future to make certain modifications or to change their last name.

Who will keep the house in a divorce?

In a divorce your mom or dad will it's up to them but usually the person who bought the house

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Is there a law that can keep you from dating after divorce is final?

Absolutly Not

In case of divorce who will get the child custody in France?

Most often the mother. JK Rowlin got custody there than took the children to England to keep the father from getting access rights.