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No.Just James Monroe tried to buy New Orleans

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Yes, Robert Livingston and James Monroe offered to buy New Orleans, but Tallyrand offered to sell all of Louisiana.

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Q: Did Robert livingston and James Monroe offer to buy new Orleans but tallyrand offered to sell all of Louisiana?
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Related questions

Who were the two men who arranged the purchase of the Louisiana Territory?

Robert Livingston and James Monroe arranged the purchase of the Louisiana Territory. They wanted to purchase the port of New Orleans and were surprised when the French offered to sell the entire Louisiana Territory.

The two men who arranged the purchase of the Louisiana Territory were?

Robert Livingston and James Monroe arranged the purchase of the Louisiana Territory. They wanted to purchase the port of New Orleans and were surprised when the French offered to sell the entire Louisiana Territory.

Who did Thomas Jefferson send to Paris to buy New Orleans and the surrounding land?

In 1802, President Jefferson sent James Monroe to France to negotiate the purchase of New Orleans. The negotiations also included the US minister to France, Robert Livingston. Napoleon unexpectedly offered to sell all of the French territorial claims in the Mississippi Valley, and the agreement became the Louisiana Purchase.

What had president Thomas Jefferson hoped to buy before napoleon offered him the Louisiana territory?

New Orleans.

Why did Jefferson sent representatives to France?

Jefferson wanted Monroe, along with the US minister to France, Robert Livingston, to negotiate the purchase of New Orleans. Napoleon instead offered all of the French claims in the Mississippi valley, and the 1803 agreement became known as the Louisiana Purchase.

What would Jefferson have to do if France controlled New Orleans?

Jefferson initiated the Louisiana Purchase from France. The US only wished to acquire the port city of New Orleans, but France offered to sell the entire territory of Louisiana.

What state had the most important port on Mississippi river?

Louisiana, with New Orleans. In fact, it was so important that the US wanted this port. The US offered to buy the land of New Orleans from France, which at the time was a part of the French territory of Louisiana. However, France saw no use for the land of Louisiana any longer and offered the whole territory to the US. The US excepted and this is how the country acquired the Louisiana Territory.

Why was the Louisiana territory purchased?

Jefferson needed the New Orleans port for the people of the western frontier to transfer their products down the Mississippi River. Originally he offered to buy just New Orleans, but Napoleon offered all of the Louisiana Territory (in part to frustrate the designs of the British, who had taken Canada from France). The 1803 Louisiana Purchase nearly doubled the size of the US, and opened the way for westward expansion.

Why having control of new Orleans was so important to the US?

New Orleans and the rest of Louisiana more than doubled the size of the United States.Napoleon Bonaparte offered to sell Louisiana ~ more than 800,000 square miles ~ for just $15 million. He did this because he needed money for the war.

How much money did the us have when Jefferson made The Louisiana Purchase?

Livingston was authorized to pay up to $10 million for the port of New Orleans, which was a vital part of frontier commerce on the Mississippi River. When he was offered all of French Louisiana (the entire Mississippi River Valley) for $15 million, he quickly accepted, recognizing the real value of that territory to the fledgling country. In Livingston's own words, "We have lived long but this is the noblest work of our whole lives ... The United States take rank this day among the first powers of the world."

Who did the U.S. buy Louisiana from?

The United States purchased the Mississippi River valley from France as the "Louisiana Purchase" in 1803.Thomas Jefferson authorized the purchase of New Orleans from Napoleon after discovering it would be ceded back to France by Spain. The object was to ensure US access to the Mississippi for transportation. Napoleon offered to sell all of the territory Le Louisiane and Jefferson's representatives (Robert Livingston and future president James Monroe) accepted.

Jefferson sent representatives to France to buy this city?

He was originally negotiating with for access to the mouth of the Mississippi River in New Orleans. France was low on money at the time, and in need of a lot of money to fund more of Napoleon's battles - so France offered their ENTIRE Louisiana Territory instead of just New Orleans for only three cents an acre.