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No, The Doctor travelled back to 2005 to a few months before she meets the ninth Doctor for the first time.

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Q: Did Rose know The Doctor in The End of Time?
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When do the Doctor and Rose Tyler kiss?

Rose and the clone Doctor kiss in Journey's End (series 4 episode 13). Although Rose and the real Doctor have kissed, Rose was possessed by Cassandra at the time.

Is the a film or a series where it shows the human doctor and rose?

They've not made one yet, but in th end of time movie the Doctor sees rose again as the tine lord Doctor.

Does Rose come back in Doctor Who 2011?

No she is not coming back. Her last appearance was the 2010 episode The End of Time.

Do Rose and the Doctor meet in season four?

Yes, Rose returns from the parallel world at the end of episode 12, at the end of episode 13 The Doctor returns her and clone Doctor to her world to live their lives together.

What happened to human doctor will he marry with Rose Tyler?

They were left in the parallel universe, nothing happened after that because that story is finished, Rose got "her Doctor" the end.

What was the episode when the doctor tell rose the truth about his planet?

in the episode the end of the world

Did the 9 doctor love rose?

Yes the 9th did love rose since he did kiss her at the end of series 1 but its clear the 10th doctor is the one who really falls in love with her.

Which episode of Doctor Who has Rose and the clone Doctor staying together?

Journey's End (series 4 episode 13). - Edit: Episode 14 is Journey's end.

What was the doctor about to say at the end of doomsday on Doctor Who?

At the end of Doomsday David Tennant's Doctor was saying 'Rose Tyler, I Love You' . If you can lipread what he says when he is supposed to have lost the connection he actually mouthed the words

What happens with Doctor and Rose?

In an attempt to be rid of the Daleks and Cybermen once and for all, the Doctor and Rose open a void (a gap between the two parallel universes) that sucks in anything that has traveled through time. To do this, they both must pull two levers on opposite sides of the room where the entrance to the void is located. Rose is not able to hang on to the lever and is pulled into her original universe by her father, who appeared just in time. In a dream, the Doctor tells Rose to travel to a beach in Norway that translates to Bad Wolf Bay. They are able to communicate for only a short time before the supernova that the Doctor is using to project his image dissipates. Rose returns home with Mickey and Jackie.In the fourth season, Rose, along with Mickey and Jackie, return to the Doctor's universe after the Daleks transport the Earth. After they defeat Davros and the Dalek fleet, Rose once again returns to her universe with a part Time Lord, part human Doctor.In The End of Time: Part Two, the Doctor travels to New Year's Day, 2005, before he met Rose, and has a quick conversation with her before rushing away to regenerate.

What was the first Doctor Who episode that featured David Tenant?

Series 1; Episode 13 The Doctor (Christopher Ecclestone) had just saved Rose's life by absorbing the time vortex from her. He needed to regenerate and did so into Doctor number 10 (David Tennant). This happened right at the end of the episode, at the end of the first series.

When is doctor who the end of time out on DVD in Australia?

Doctor Who: The End of Time was released on DVD and Blu-Ray on March 2, 2010