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Yes the Santa Maria did crash on the way back from Christopher Columbus's first expedition to the Caribbean islands or as he believed India. When the ship crashed he captained the Nina and the captain of the Pinta sailed away on his own trying to beat Columbus back to Spain Columbus made it back to Spain March , 1493

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Embarrassing as it is, yes, Santa has crashed from time to time over the years. Luckily, his magical sleigh protects him and the reindeer and the toys from any lasting damage, and they all have come through okay.

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Q: Did Santa crash
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How did the santa maria crash?

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The Santa Maria ran aground at Mole Saint-Nicolas, Haiti, on Dec. 25th, 1492. She was the largest of the three ships, at about 70 feet long. Her full name was "Santa Maria de la Inmaculada Concepcion." (In English "The Immaculate Conception of Mary.) She was originally called La Gallega, (The Galician.)

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Not really sure, there are many different pictures of him that depict him in different ways. Many do depict him with glasses but others do not.

Where can I find the Mexican story of Santa I heard on the radio?

type it on wiki answers. or on internet, or a library. or a Mexican dude, or crash down the radio's station's door, and threaten them to tell you.

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3500 feet and crash into Skip's garage.

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