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Bacon outlived Shakespeare by ten years. Marlowe was killed by a man called Ingram Frizer.

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Q: Did Shakespeare kill Sir Francis Bacon or Christopher Marlowe?
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What famous people were around at Elizabethan era?

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What are anti-stradfordians?

People who think Shakespeare was not the real author but that it was a pseudonym and that i was written by Francis Bacon, Christopher Marlowe, Henry Neville or Edward de Verey Neville en Edward de Vere

What author lived at the same time as shakespeare?

Many many authors did. Christopher Marlowe was born in the same year as Shakespeare. Miguel de Cervantes died on the same date (but, curiously, not on the same day) as Shakespeare. Bacon, Spenser, Jonson, Descartes, and Milton all lived contemporaneously with Shakespeare.

Name two people credited with possibly writing shakespeare's plays?

You realize that the evidence is pretty overwhelming that Shakespeare wrote them. There is very little evidence that anyone else did, but three candidates who have got a certain amount of support over the years are the Earl of Oxford, Francis Bacon and Christopher Marlowe.

What was the dispute over the authorship of Shakespeare's plays?

Some people think that others wrote Shakespeare's plays such as Francis Bacon.

What is an fact about Francis Bacon?

Mysteries surrounding Francis Bacon : Rumors have constantly circulated about the parentage of Francis Bacon - it is said that his father was Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester and his mother was in fact Queen Elizabeth I. Francis Bacon is also a noted contender in the William Shakespeare Identity debate - he is believed by some to be the author of the plays accredited to William Shakespeare

What is facts about Francis Bacon?

Mysteries surrounding Francis Bacon : Rumors have constantly circulated about the parentage of Francis Bacon - it is said that his father was Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester and his mother was in fact Queen Elizabeth I. Francis Bacon is also a noted contender in the William Shakespeare Identity debate - he is believed by some to be the author of the plays accredited to William Shakespeare

Did Francis Bacon write shakespeares works?

Nope. This theory was advanced by a Miss Bacon, a nineteenth-century American looney, who thought it would be fun if Shakespeare didn't write Shakespeare and that they were instead written by her namesake Francis Bacon. Unfortunately, Francis Bacon was a tedious lawyer who was not fond of theatre, and whose writings show not a scintilla of literary talent. The evidence is overwhelming that the author of Shakespeare's works was, in fact, Shakespeare.

What is the controversy about the authenticity of Shakespeare's work?

There really isn't one. Outside of a few crackpots, it's nearly universally accepted that Shakespeare was Shakespeare and wrote his own plays. There have, at times, been people who have advanced the theory that Shakespeare was essentially a figurehead, with the actual writing being done by someone who for personal or political reasons could not use their own name. Two of the more common "real authors" suggested are Christopher Marlowe and Sir Francis Bacon.

Is Sir Francis Bacon William Shakespeare?

No they are not the same. However, many researches and theories say that Francis Bacon, who wrote poetry, philosophy and advances scientific theories, used to write shakespeare's plays.

Who was bacon in Shakespeare's plays?

There is no character called Bacon in any of Shakespeare's plays. The only people called Bacon who are in any way associated with Shakespeare are Delia Bacon and Francis Bacon. Delia Bacon was a Victorian nutjob who concluded from feelings and intuitions that Shakespeare had not actually written his own plays, but that they had in fact been written by her namesake Francis Bacon, who was indeed more or less contemporary with Shakespeare, but showed no interest in drama or poetry, being much more interested in the dry and unemotional fields of law and science. Nobody nowadays believes that Francis Bacon had anything to do with Shakespeare, but Delia Bacon may be considered to be the mother of Antistratfordianism, and her methodology has been adopted by many another Antistratfordian.

Who is fancis bacon in the life of William shakespeare?

Francis Bacon was an important diplomat and scientist who was around at about the same time as Shakespeare. A few people think Francis Bacon wrote Shakespeare's plays. This makes about as much sense as thinking that Dr. Steven Hawking used to play lead guitar with the Beatles.