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Yes, in fact, he got married thrice. The first marriage was to a lady called Elizabeth, but he broke up with her because of the ongoing involvement with Sunday and John Reed; who were great friends of Nolan. After the breakup, Nolan ask Sunday to marry him and break up with John, but declined the "generous" offer. Instead, he got married to John's sister, Cynthia Reed. Thirty years later, in 1978 he got married to Mary Boyd, the former wife ofJohn Perceval.

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yes he died in 1992

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Sidney Nolan was known for his use of the "flat" painting technique, which involved applying paint in a way that minimized depth and perspective in a composition. He also used bold, simplified forms and a limited color palette to create visually striking and impactful images.

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Sidney nolan lived in st. kilda Melbourne

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Sidney Nolan was born on 22 April 1917 in Carlton, Melbourne

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