

Best Answer

Yes Sitting Bull - Tatanka- Iyotankad

did he travelled to England and throughout europe with Buffalo Bill';s

wild west show . He also travelled up into Canada for awhile after the

Little Big Horn.

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Q: Did Sitting Bull travel outside the US?
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Related questions

What did Sitting Bull say about us treaties with whites?

they were dumb

What was the reaction of the US Government to Sitting Bull?

they sent more soldiers

Who was the Lakota who fought the US Army at the battle of the little big horn?

sitting bull

Was Sitting Bull the first to surrender to the US government?

He was the last native American Indian to surrender to the Us army

What did Sitting Bull achieve?

siting bull was chief of his tribe who was a warrior and was good at hiding and overthrowing the US Military. still bull refrused to go by whiteman law. sitting bll had respect from the usa army. sitting bull led his people to safe spots and also escaped to Canada to protect his tribe. sitting bull surrendered into to allow is tribe a better future for all generations. sitting bull was never scared and thus chewed his own shin to relrease himself from the chains on hi s rist, so he could escapte. there was no way sitting bull would be left do die in prison.

What do you need to travel on airplane outside the US?

You need a passport if you are going to travel outside of the country.

Who was the Lakota chief fought the US army at the battle of the little big horn?

Sitting Bull

What was the conflict and compromise in the Battle of Little Bighorn?

The US Army was ordered to return Chief Sitting Bull to the reservation. Sitting Bull told the Army, they know where to find him. The Army found the Battle of the Little Bighorn.

What were sitting bull's achievements?

siting bull was chief of his tribe who was a warrior and was good at hiding and overthrowing the us military. still bull refrused to go by whiteman law. sitting bll had respect from the usa army. sitting bull led his people to safe spots and also escaped to canada to protect his tribe. sitting bull surrendered into to allow is tribe a better future for all generations. sitting bull was never scared and thus chewed his own shin to relrease himself from the chains on hi s rist, so he could escapte. there was no way sitting bull would be left do die in prison.

Who is the Sioux leader who fled to Canada?

Sitting Bull, a Hunkpapa Lakota holy man and tribal chief, led his band into Sasketchewan, Canada in May of 1877. Sitting Bull refused to surrender to the US Government and remained in Canada for four years. Due to difficulty in finding food in Canada, Sitting Bull and his band returned to the United States in July of 1881.

Who was the lakota chief who fought in the us army battle of little big horn?

Sitting Bull was the main chief, along with Crazy Horse, Chief Gall, and Bearded Man (aka Lame White Man, a Cheyenne chief).

Who were the top military leaders during the battle of little big horn?

I think General Custer and Sitting Bull. Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse are the best known Native American leaders. George Armstrong Custer led the US 7th Cavalry.