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The Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 was considered a favorable deal for Spain as it granted them most of the newly discovered lands in the Americas. The treaty divided the newly discovered territories between Spain and Portugal, with Spain receiving the majority of the land. This helped Spain establish themselves as a dominant colonial power in the Americas.

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Q: Did Spain have a better deal with the Treaty of Tordesillas?
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Why was the Treaty if Tordesillas important to exploration?

The Treaty of Tordesillas is important because it allowed Portugal to claim part of eastern South America. Although in the long run, Spain came out with the better end of the deal. They ended up getting a ton more land.

Treaty of Tordesillas who got the better deal?

Spanish, they got the better side, others might disagree that portugul got better beacause they got to monopolize spice trade the really didn't

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Spain got one part of South America and Portugal go the other half. Spain got the better side of the deal because they got the bigger half of South America because they didn't know how big South America was back then. They only explored around the eastern coast.

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