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Q: Did Stalin put millions in labor camps?
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Related questions

What were the so viet labor camps?

they were camps where people were put to work.

Why weren't hawaiian Japanese put into the camps?

They weren't put into the camps because they were the largest labor force in Hawaii.

Why weren't Hawaiian Japanese put into camps?

They weren't put into the camps because they were the largest labor force in Hawaii.

How did Lenin did respond to those who disagreed with him?

he put them in labor camps

What authority put people into labor camps?

the law, as passed by parliament.

How did Stalin treat men and women who disagreed with his plans?

Stalin was notorious for his brutal treatment of anyone who disagreed with his plans. Both men and women who opposed him were often executed, sent to forced labor camps (Gulags), or subjected to widespread purges within the Communist Party. Dissenters were considered enemies of the state and were dealt with harshly to maintain Stalin's control over the Soviet Union.

What are fema death camps?

FEMA death camps, or concentration camps, are a product of the imagination of conspiracy theorists who believe the Federal Emergency Management Agency will put millions of Americans to death in preparation for martial law.

How do you put gulag in a sentence?

The Gulag or GULAG was the government agency that administered the penal labor camps of the Soviet Union.

How did the Nazis treated people who were in the camps?

The Nazi's either put them to labor with little portions of food at the camps or they just executed them in the concentration camps in WWII instead of treating them like other actual human beings

When did the Jews put the Nazis in consentration camps?

The first time Jews were put into concentration camps for being Jewish was after Kristalnacht, some were returned, some perished and others stayed in the system. In 1940 some were held in labour camps, but it was not really until 1941 that Jews were rounded up and put wholesale into concentration camps.

What did Jews experience while being held captive in the concentration camps?

They were forced to do hard labor until they were put to death.

Why were Germans and Italians not put in camps?

They were put into camps.