

Did Stephen King have any conflicts with any body?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Did Stephen King have any conflicts with any body?
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What's the setting for just about any Stephen King book? A small town in Maine. TR-90, to be precise, which isn't technically a town, but it's close enough.

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You can buy Stephen King's novel "IT" at most bookstores, either in-person or online. It is also available for purchase as an ebook or audiobook.

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There is no record of Stephen King being sent to prison. He is a successful author known for his works of horror fiction and has not been involved in any criminal activity that would result in imprisonment.

Is Stephen King answering his own questions on ask?

This is a wiki. Anyone in the world can answer (or try to answer) any question.

What fictional town set in main does not appear in any Stephen King novel?

Collinsport, the town featured in the television show "Dark Shadows," is set in Maine but does not appear in any Stephen King novel.

Does Stephen King have any books printed in large type?

Yes, the only one that i'm awhere of is, Cell.