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Yes, he did get wealthy but he spent all his money on his inventions.

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Q: Did Thomas Edison become wealthy as a result of the Light bulb?
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What was the result of Thomas Edison's work?

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What was a weakness of Thomas Edison?

Thomas Edison tended to hold on to a particular idea too long. As a result Edison held on to the idea of using direct current instead of alternating current much too long. Edison invented the diode. When the triode was invented Edison continued to try to accomplish with the diode what the triode accomplished easily. His weakness was he did not see when an idea should be dropped.

What is a fat cat?

A wealthy person who has become rich through questionable dealings. Can also mean a person who has become lazy and self-satisfied as a result of privilege. The term also referred to a wealthy person who donated to a political campaign

Why people become wealthy?

they study hard get a good result get a good job with high salary or start a business then they get rich

How did the economic position of colonists in the Americas changes as a result of the Atlantic slave trade?

They were able to exploit slave labor to become wealthy traders of tobacco and rum.

How did the economic position of colonist in the Americas CHange as a result of the Atlantic Slave trade?

They were able to exploit slave labor to become wealthy traders of tobacco and rum.

How did the economic position of colonists in the Americas change as a result of the Atlantic slave trade?

They were able to exploit slave labor to become wealthy traders of tobacco and rum.

When did thomas Edison fight with Nikola Tesla?

Edison had a direct current generator that he could not work it properly. Tesla begun working for him. He was offered money to correct the equipment and he did in a short period of time. Edison was not man of his work so Tesla quit working for him. He got the patent of the direct current generator which without Tesla's help, he would not got it along with many patents he got which is the result of his employees he had at the time. Read the article I posted in the related links box below called the genius and the jerk. Since the 1870s, Edison began his campaign against Nikola Tesla. Second response. Thomas Alva Edison was the greatest inventor of all time. His 1,000 plus patents are an indication of Edison's brilliance.

What were the pros and cons for thomas Edison?

Thomas Edison's inventive contributions to society are obviously his "pros," his most famous being the incandescent light bulb, electrographic vote recorder, the motion picture camera, the fluoroscope, and many more. As a result of some of his infamous inventions and experiments, it is hard to find "cons." I would definitely highlight Edison's "War of the Currents" against Westinghouse as a con. In this contest for economic superiority in marketing of each proposed current, Edison attempted to make Westinghouse's Alternating Current appear fatal, and often made public displays of this fatality by electrocuting animals with Alternating current. He electrocuted stray cats, dogs, unwanted cattle, and in one "sensational display," an elephant. These displays eventually led to the creation of the electric chair as a method of execution. This was actually one of the things Thomas Edison is know to have regretted in his lifetime.

Why was Thomas Edison deaf?

Thier are many storys about how he became deaf. One of those storys includes that thomas Edison was deaf because the conducter of the train he worked on pulled him onto the train by his ears when he almost missed the traiin. However Experts say this is doubtful as his father and son had similar hearing problems and i probally just just a family illness.

What was the result of the civil wars between leaders of the wealthy and lower classes during the 2nd and 1st centuries B.C.?

The wars were not between the wealthy and lower classes. They were a struggle for individual power between wealthy leaders. The resuly was the wealthy were defeated by the wealthy. The final battles were won by the wealthy Octavian Augustus over the wealthy Marc Anthony. The wealthy Augustus established a system of government which gave him the final word and control of the army to keep the wealthy senators from causing more revolution.