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Q: Did Thomas Paine's pamphlet common sense cause women the right to vote?
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What was the name of the pamphlet created by Thomas Paine that further advanced the cause for independence?

Thomas Paine's famous pamphlet was called "Common Sense".

What was paines purpose for writing the pamphlet was it achieved?

Thomas Paine wrote the pamphlet "Common Sense" to advocate for American independence from British rule and to encourage the American people to support the revolution. His purpose was to provide a clear and persuasive argument for why the colonies should break away from Britain. This goal was largely achieved, as "Common Sense" played a significant role in shifting public opinion towards independence and galvanizing support for the revolutionary cause.

The pamphlet Common Sense by Thomas Paine aided the American cause in the Revolutionary War because it?

persuaded individuals who were undecided to support independence

How did the pamphlet common sense cause in revolutionary war?

Thomas Pain's pamphlet, "Common Sense" made a big impact on the citizens of the colonies. This was because he wrote it in plain English, so it was easily understandable. Common Sense was written by him to convince people that breaking away from the rule of England was a good thing.

What main idea behind the pamphlet common sense that influenc ed many colonist?

The main idea of the pamphlet Common Sense was to gain support for the Patriot cause by showing the Colonists that it was pointless to remain loyal to the British Crown.

How did the pamphlet common sense by thomas Paine the American cause in the revolutionary war?

you have asked every single question that is on my take home test...i think you have the same one and lol im looking for answers on the net too lmoa

How did the pamphlet common sense by thomas Paine aid the American cause in the revolutionary war?

you have asked every single question that is on my take home test...i think you have the same one and lol im looking for answers on the net too lmoa

Who was sent to France in 1781 in order to protect a gold shipment?

Thomas Paine, who also wrote the pamphlet "Common sense" to urge Colonists to join the Patriots. Also wrote article "the American cause" to life spirits up when losing the war.

What was the main imparct of the common sense in the colonies?

"Common Sense" by Thomas Paine was a pamphlet that galvanized public opinion in the American colonies towards independence from Britain. It helped popularize the idea of self-governance and influenced many colonists to support the cause of revolution. The impact of "Common Sense" was significant in shaping the sentiment that led to the Declaration of Independence.

What were 3 important things in common sense?

"Common Sense" by Thomas Paine emphasized the need for American independence from British rule, advocated for republican self-governance, and argued for the importance of unity among colonists to achieve freedom. This pamphlet played a significant role in inspiring American colonists to support the revolutionary cause.

What is Common Sense by Thomas Paine?

In the mind of the American Revolutionary, Thomas Paine, 'Common Sense' was independence. In the publication of the same name, Paine argued passionately (and, in fact, influentially) that nothing could be more sensible -- or, common-sensical -- than that a people governed by an unjust ruler should fight both to achieve their natural dignity and freedom and to maintain the same against any who might seek to take it away once more.

How was paines talent for persuasion also a major cause of his unhappiness?

Because he inflamed the soldiers and made them reminisce the war.