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who won in World War 2, between Trinidad and Germany

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Q: Did Trinidad beat Germany in world war 2?
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They wanted to beat Germany in World War 2.

How did Germany beat France and Britain in World War 2?

Germany lost WW2, they did not beat Britain and whilst they 'occupied' France they withdrew after being defeated by allied forces.

Who won world war 1 America or Germany?

The Allied Powers (U.S.) beat the Central Powers (Germany) during World War One. Hope this helps, Nix

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The Axis beat the allies in world war 2. Hitler is germanies god.(and mine) Jewish people get shot in germany.

Did Australia beat Nazi Germany in World War 2?

Australia fought as part of the Allies that defeated Germany in World War 2. Almost a million Australian soldiers fought in the war, primarily in the Pacific arena, but also on European and African fronts.

Was the tower in La Brea Trinidad built for World War I or II?

It was built for World War 2

Why was US strongest after World War 2?

It was not really the strongest. Do you know why, because the Soviet Union was is the one that beat Germany.

How did allies get back their peace in World War 2?

The Allied powers beat Hitler's armies and forced a surrender from Germany.

Who were trinidad's opposing countries of in World War 1 and two?

Trinidad was a colony of Britain in World War One, so technically, Britain's enemies would have been its enemies also.

Did American soldiers went down to Trinidad?

American soliders came to Trinidad during the second world war

How was World War 2 a result of World War 1?

When the allies Beat Central powers (Germany etc) in Ww1 Germany felt they had been cheated by the allies because a lot of their land was taken. So Germany didn't hesitate for a chance to get back at the allies hence Ww2.

Is there a war in Germany?

No, the last war in Germany was World War 2