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yes he is he is married to stephine McMahon they have 2 children and live in ct near headquarters

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13y ago

Their third daughter Evelyn was born in august of 2010

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Q: Did Triple H and Stephanie have their third child yet?
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Didn't Triple H have their third baby already?

No, Stephanie and Triple H did not have their child yet. The rumor is that she's due in August.

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Stephanie McMahon is still very much involved with the WWE just not on camera. She produces and is either a head writer or is in chage of the writers. If VInce ever kicks the bucket Stephanie is next in line unless his son in law Triple H takes over instead. As for when or if Stephanie will return to WWE TV that has yet to be seen. I would love it if she retuned to the shows because that woman is HOT!!

Did Stephanie McMahon have her baby yet?

Yes she did, their third daughter was born August 24, 2010. If she was pregnant they would have never had her attack Paul Heyman on the 1000th Episode of Raw.

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He has 3 kids but I am not sure if any of them was born in 2011.

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Stephanie Meyers (The Author) wants it to be a PG 13, 12A in the UK, But as there is lots of Un - child Friendly scenes no one knows just yet!

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No, Triple H is not officialy retired. He was put out of commission for a while by Shaemus, and is supposed to return. Yet, who is to say that this whole "out of commission" thing isn't just a way to lead to Triple H's retirement.June 2010 Boy are you ever wrong! HHH is about 10 years away from retirement! He is out due to a neck injury and a quad (thigh) injury and getting ready for the birth of his and Stephanie's third child! Please don't spread out right lies!Yes. He done forever

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Stephanie Meyer has not written it yet