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Q: Did US actions in the Spanish-American War promote or hinder the advancement of the ideals of opportunity and democracy?
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What is the difference between Greek democracy and current democracy?

Greek democracy was direct - the male citizens met regularly in Assembly and voted on policies and actions of their city-state. Modern democracy is effected by the people electing representatives to a parliament, which votes for them. Direct democracy could only work in a geographically small city-state where the citizens could assemble. Countries today are much larger and this was impracticable. However the rise of computing offers the opportunity to vote through them Don't hold your breath that politicians will rush to embrace this.

In what ways did actions taken by Jackson himself contribute to the growth of democracy?

Jackson took actions to contribute to the growth of democracy. He demonstrated that white males did suffer and created more opportunities for the average man.

What type of democracy did th Athens have?

Initially a limited democracy based on landowners, then it was extended to a radical democracy ruled by all adult males who were citizens, who met in assembly and directed government.

Which speaker's statement reflects an understanding of the importance of the First Amendment's protection of freedom of speech to democracy?

Speaker 3: Freedom of press is important because people rely on the press for information about the actions of their government.

How did pericles expand athenian democracy?

The most influential actions Pericles took to expand democracy was to successfully stand up against Cimon. This was a very significant action because Cimon had very strong Pro-Spartan sentiments and strongly opposed the democratic revolution hoping to maintain Aristocratic control over Athens.

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Opportunity cost is fundamental in understanding the true economist cost (and thus profitability) of actions.

What is the difference between Greek democracy and current democracy?

Greek democracy was direct - the male citizens met regularly in Assembly and voted on policies and actions of their city-state. Modern democracy is effected by the people electing representatives to a parliament, which votes for them. Direct democracy could only work in a geographically small city-state where the citizens could assemble. Countries today are much larger and this was impracticable. However the rise of computing offers the opportunity to vote through them Don't hold your breath that politicians will rush to embrace this.

If journalists are meant to have a role in the function of democracy how are they accountable and who elects them?

Journalists help protect democracy by keeping the government honest by reporting on the actions of government and making governments actions open for all to see and read about. They are accountable though their reputations and readerships, and also through their editor and the hierarchy in whatever company they work for. It is true that they aren't elected, but not everyone in a democracy is elected, Judges aren't elected and that is viewed as a positive in democracy.

What happens in a democracy if a person breaks the law?

When a law is broken , legal actions are taken against him /her. In a democracy everyone has the same rights. Most countries rely on police for law enforcement.

Is democracy driven by self-interest?

No because the actions are taken to help the entire nation not just 1 person

In what ways did actions taken by Jackson himself contribute to the growth of democracy?

Jackson took actions to contribute to the growth of democracy. He demonstrated that white males did suffer and created more opportunities for the average man.

How does democracy affect people's lives?

Democracy affects not only my own life, but everyone's life who is lucky enough to live in such a place. Democracy is the concept of all people considered people (different times when this was written) will rule themselves. Basically, in a more modern outlook, everyone is the boss of themselves, and is free to make their own decisions about, who they vote for, who they like, what religion they are (if any), etc.

What type of leader actions may be in order when a soldiers pattern of behavior is established in which he or she violates equal opportunity policies?

Bar to reenlistment

How did the democracy expand during the age of Pericles?

He guided it from a direct democracy to a radical democracy where the citizens met in fortnightly assembly and decided on actions to be implemented by the Council of 500. Political offices and public service positions were filled by lot, except for the generals who were nominated by their tribe. The courts were run by juries, usually of 500 selected by lot.

Does Turkey have a federalist system of government?

No, Turkey is a Parliamentary Democracy, they do not use a Federalist or Capitalist sense of business when conducting decisions or actions for their country.

How does our form of democracy different from the kind of democracy practiced in Athens?

They developed a radical democracy where all citizens met in assembly fortnightly to direct the council on actions to be taken. This is practicable only in a small state where citizens can cover the distance to vote in person. With our large states today this is impracticable, so we have representative democracy where elected representatives meet in a parliament to carry out the wishes of the people.

What is strikes you as important about miss gates lesson on democracy?

Miss Gates' lesson on democracy is important because it reveals the hypocrisy and contradiction in her beliefs. While she preaches about the principles of democracy, she fails to see the discrimination and injustice happening in her own community towards African Americans. This highlights the disconnect between ideals and actions, prompting reflection on the true meaning of democracy and the importance of living by its values.