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He did have a few regrets...

1. One of then was that he didn't stop slavery.

2. He didn't want to be president because he wanted to stay at Mt. Vernon and relax with Martha Custis Dandridge Washington and his two step kids named Jacky and Patsy,

3. The most important one was that he didn't get Nova Scotia (now with Canada) into the United States' Constitution, which would have most likely ended all British rule in North America. In all technical terms, Nova Scotia (present day New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island) are part of the U.S. because there was a vote on it in the early 1800s and it passed 36/38 (Nova Scotia Senate) (~95% approval), and 18/19 (Canadian House of Commons) (~95% approval). But the Queen did not allow the secession.

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11y ago

President Madison's main regret was to avoid war with Great Britain thus implementing the War of 1812. Britain attacked American shipping, while impressing the captured sailors into the British navy and because of this many Democratic-Republicans were calling for war. Most notably was the group who chastened themselves the "War-Hawks" because the British supplied many Native American tribes with the weapons they needed to attack American settlements. America lost the war of 1812 but remained unconquered by Britain and lost no territory because of the war. In fact some good came of the War of 1812, the boarders of Canada and Florida (Controlled by the Spanish) were finally set. The War of 1812 was not his only failure though, a few failed laws such as the embargo act and the non-intercourse act were created then abolished because they didn't create the intended effect against England and France's attacks on American shipping.

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11y ago

I imagine now looking back. There are more than likely a bunch of resentment, if not regret. I think that he was a little hasty in some of his actions, not fully thinking it through. The lines of right and wrong became blurred for him in certain circumstances. However I am not George H.W. Bush Sr, so I can only speak from my heart and my own experiences of how I would feel if I was in his shoes. Understand you almost have the world on your shoulders, power could easily consume into corruption. I think in time, all dues will be paid however for this wrongs. However he will have time to correct his wrongs if he chooses. This I speak only in truth. I hope that you take what I say with a grain of salt and do not quote any of this, for it is only to answer your question.

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he said. "I have only two regrets: I didn't shoot Henry Clay and I didn't hang John C. Calhoun."

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Abraham Lincoln did have regrets

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Probably going to the play.

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Q: Did Ulysses S. Grant have any regrets about his term in office?
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37 when he took office, with Colorado added during his 2nd term.

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Grant was elected a second time in November of 1872.

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When was Ulysses S. Grant elected president'?

He was elected in the year 1868.Ulysses S. Grant became the 18th President of the United States in 1869, serving a second term and leaving office in 1877.

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Schuyler Colfax of Indiana was VP during Grant's first term. He was dumped from the ticket due to suspicion of being part of the Credit Mobilier affair. Henry Wilson of Mass. replaced him and was the VP for Grant's second term until his death November 22, 1875.Schuyler Colfax and Henry Wilson were both Vice Presidents to Ulysses S. Grant.During his first term in office (1869-1873), Schlyer Colfaxserved as Ulysses S. Grant's Vice-President. During his second term in office (1873-1877), Henry Wilson served as Ulysses S. Grant's Vice-President.

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