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Q: Did William Tecumseh Sherman ever lose a battle?
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William Tecumseh Sherman. And to this day, no Southerner will ever name his child Sherman.

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William Tecumseh Sherman Jackson, 1890, emerged from Amherst College in Massachusetts as a half mile sprinter.

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Yes, at the Battle of Falkirk in 1297.

Did Tecumseh ever marry?

yes tecumseh did get married he got married to monnetonse and mamate

What was Tecumseh fighting for?

Tecumseh was a Shawnee tribe leader, that sided with the British , and battled against the Americans that were trying to invade Tecumseh's land. He battled along side general Isaac Brock with Tecumseh's army of 2000 men. Tecumseh's army was the largest aboriginal army the great lakes had ever seen. While the British panicked and retreated in the battle of Thames river, Tecumseh and his followers battled on furiously even though they were hopelessly out numbered. Tecumseh died on the battle field in the battle of Thames river with many of his men on October 5th 1813.

Was John Wayne ever in Wagon Train?

Yes -- he portrayed William T Sherman in a small part of the episode "The Colter Craven Story." He is listed as 'Michael Morris' in the credits.

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William of Normandy, aka William the Conqueror, was in the 1066 Conquest for England. He is most famous for being the last man to ever conquer all of England. His most famous battle was the Battle of Hastings in which he became King of all England.

Was sherman hensley ever arrested?

Actor Sherman Hemsley is best known for his role on sitcom The Jefferson's. He died in 2012, and there is no evidence that suggests he was ever arrested.

How does the original story of Sir William Wallace differ from the movie Braveheart?

There was no Battle of Stirling, it was the Battle of Stirling Bridge. There is no evidence that Wallace ever met Robert the Bruce or the French Princess.

What did the battle of Hastings do?

I am not really too sure what you mean by this question. The Battle of Hastings was a battle between William The Conqueror and Harold Godwinson. The Battle took place at Stamford Bridge near Hastings and was one of the longest battles ever recorded in history. The result of the battle gave William the title of King of England and left Harold Godwinson (previous English King) dead.

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Sherman Tree

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