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Q: Did William l potts have kids?
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Who inspired William L potts to invent the traffic light?

How did William L Potts come up with the traffic lights?=who inspired William L Potts?=

What was William l potts ''education''?

as a teen william l potts was a struction builder

When did William L Potts die?

William L. Potts was born in 1883 and died in 1947.

When was William l potts born?

William L. Potts was born in 1883 and died in 1947.

Who invented the electric traffic light?

William L. Potts

Who invented the automatic traffic light?

William L. Potts

Where did William L Potts the inventor live?

in acaxey stud world

Where did William L Potts make the traffic light?

William L. Potts invented the first manually operated traffic light in Detroit, Michigan in 1920. He installed the traffic light at the intersection of Woodward and Michigan Avenues.

Was William potts black?

William Potts Was in fact Black!

What did William L Potts do?

William L. Potts (1883-1947) was a police officer in Chicago IL who was troubled by the increasing auto accidents. Around 1920, he invented the three way traffic signal. See the link below for more information.

Who was William L Potts?

William L. Potts (1883-1947) was a police officer in Chicago IL who was troubled by the increasing auto accidents. Around 1920, he invented the three way traffic signal. See the link below for more information.

Where was William l pott born?

William L Potts was born in Chicago IL in 1883.