

Australia in WW2

Questions regarding Australia's participation in World War 2, in both the European and Pacific theaters of the war.

1,673 Questions

How do you fight with lightsabers on graal era?

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In Graal Era, to fight with lightsabers, tap the attack button when near an opponent. You can also use the Block button to defend against incoming attacks. Make sure to time your strikes and blocks effectively to outplay your opponents in lightsaber combat.

How big was Pillotex before it went bankrupt?

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Pillotex was a medium-sized company with around 200 employees and revenue of approximately $50 million before it went bankrupt.

What historical event happened during the year of 1853?

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Very few significant historical events occurred in Australia in 1853. 1853 was the year that transportation of convicts to Australia from Ireland ended. (England followed suit fifteen years later.) 1854 was more significant. * Australia's first telegraph line was opened on 3 March 1854; it ran from Melbourne to Williamstown. * The first Cobb & Co coach run was on 30 September 1854, departing Melbourne for the Forest Creek diggings (now Castlemaine) and Bendigo. * The Battle of the Eureka Stockade occurred near Ballarat, Victoria, on 3 December 1854.

What part of America does it snow in?

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Snowfall commonly occurs in various parts of America, including the northern states like Alaska, Minnesota, Montana, and North Dakota. Additionally, the mountainous regions of the Rocky Mountains and Sierra Nevada can also experience significant snowfall. The northeastern states, such as Maine, Vermont, New York, and Massachusetts, are known for their winter snowstorms.

Who strangled two snakes that attacked him his brother in their cradle?

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Hercules strangled two snakes that attacked him and his brother, Iphicles, in their cradle as infants. This was one of his early feats that demonstrated his great strength and bravery.

Where do growers harvest cells when cloning orchids?

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Growers typically harvest the meristematic tissue from the shoot tips of orchids when cloning them. This tissue is rich in undifferentiated cells capable of generating new growth, making it ideal for propagation. By taking this tissue from the shoot tips, growers can encourage the development of new plants through cloning techniques.

What is 12000 plus 12000?

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12000 plus 12000 equals 24000.

Does Australia use the highest amount of CFC gases per person?

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I don't have info about CFC gases in general, but I have lots of CO2 data so I'll answer with respect to that. Australia's per capita emissions in 2004 were 4.5 times the global average, just BELOW the U.S., however, CO2 usage in Australia is growing faster than the U.S. and its usage is much less energy efficient than the U.S. Australia has only 0.32% of the world population, but contributes 1.43% of anthropomorphic CO2 emissions (from human activities). On average, each person in Australia and the US now emit more than 5 tons of carbon per year. While China may have just passed the U.S. in total emissions, each person there still emits only 1 ton per year on average. The US and Europe still account for more than 50% of the total accumulated global emissions over the last 200 years, while China accounts for less than 8%. Australia's carbon intensity of energy (amount of carbon burned as fossil fuel per unit of energy) is 20 per cent higher than the world average, and 25 to 30 per cent higher then the USA, Europe and Japan. Therefore, the energy efficiency of fossil fuel use is significantly lower in Australia than in these other developed countries. Australia's carbon intensity of GDP (amount of carbon burned as fossil fuel per dollar of wealth created) is 25 per cent higher than the world average. It is a little higher than the USA and nearly double that of Europe and Japan. Therefore, the overall carbon efficiency of the economy, per unit of fossil fuel used, is about half that for Europe and Japan. Over the last 25 years, the average growth rate of Australian emissions was approximately twice the growth rate for world as a whole, twice the growth rate for the USA and Japan, and five times the growth rate for Europe. The rate of improvement (decline) in the carbon intensity of GDP for Australia is lower than in the USA and Europe.

Why do so few people live in the interior of Australia?

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The interior of Australia, known as the Outback, is characterized by its harsh desert conditions including extreme temperatures, limited water sources, and sparse vegetation. This makes it difficult to support large populations, resulting in low population density in these regions. Additionally, most of Australia's cities and urban developments are concentrated along the coasts, drawing people away from the interior.

What factors would an athlete have to consider if he or she were training or competing at a high altitude location?

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An athlete training at high altitude would need to consider the decreased oxygen levels, which can affect their performance and recovery. They may need to adjust their training intensity, duration, and recovery strategies accordingly. Hydration, nutrition, and acclimatization are also important factors to consider to optimize performance at high altitudes.

What was John Dalton's full name?

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John Dalton made a great stride in chemistry with his atomic theory of matter and the idea of atoms and molecules became the established fact and the concept of atomic weight was also given by him

What are the forces that created islands?

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Islands are created by a variety of geological forces, including volcanic activity, tectonic plate movement, and erosion. Volcanic islands form when molten rock rises from beneath the Earth's crust and solidifies on the ocean floor. Tectonic plate movement can push up landmasses to form islands, while erosion can break apart larger landmasses to create smaller islands.

Has Iraq ever been under a democracy?

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Yes, Iraq has had periods of democratic governance. Following the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003, Iraq established a democratic system with multi-party elections. However, the country has faced challenges in consolidating democracy due to ongoing conflicts and political instability.

How do balloons float?

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Balloons float because the gas inside them is lighter than the air outside. This creates a buoyant force that pushes the balloon upwards. Helium is commonly used in balloons because it is less dense than air.

How does landforms effect weather and rainfall?

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Landforms can affect weather and rainfall by influencing factors such as wind patterns, temperature variations, and precipitation. For example, mountains can block orographic precipitation on one side, creating a rain shadow effect on the other side where less rainfall occurs. Coastal areas can experience more moderate temperatures due to the influence of nearby bodies of water. Overall, landforms play a significant role in shaping local climate conditions.

How can one understands the presence of minerals in a certain piece of land?

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Asked by Jovinmtei

One can understand the presence of minerals in a certain piece of land by conducting geological surveys, soil sampling, and analyzing the results for mineral content. Geophysical methods like ground-penetrating radar or magnetic surveys can also be used to detect mineral deposits under the surface. Additionally, looking for indicators such as certain rock types or vegetation patterns can provide clues to the presence of minerals.

How did Betsy Holden assist women executives?

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Asked by IntnlDirofBizBios

Betsy Holden assisted women executives by advocating for gender diversity and inclusion in the workplace. She mentored and provided support for other women in leadership positions, paving the way for future female executives to succeed in traditionally male-dominated industries. Holden also actively promoted women's advancement in her own career, serving as a role model for others to follow.

What percentage of the population are national or local in Australia?

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Approximately 39% of Australians identify as being of a non-English-speaking background, with national or local languages such as Italian, Greek, Arabic, Cantonese, Mandarin, and Vietnamese being commonly spoken. This diverse linguistic landscape reflects the multicultural makeup of Australia's population.

How many Ethiopian Jews are there today?

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According to the TIME/Britannica 2010 Almanac, presenting figures as of mid-2009,

people who identified themselves as adherents of Judaism, whether practicing or

not, amounted to 13.9 million worldwide, in 135 countries, and totaled 0.2% (two

tenths of one percent) of the world's population. Israel is the only country in the

world where adherents to Judaism comprise a majority of the population.

What is domestic politics?

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Domestic politics refers to the activities, decisions, and conflicts that take place within a country's borders related to governance, policies, elections, and political power. It encompasses the interactions among political actors, institutions, and the general public in shaping the direction of a nation's government and policies.

When did Michael Howe - bushranger - die?

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Michael Howe, an Australian bushranger, was killed on October 21, 1818.

Why do they mine gold?

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Gold is mined for various reasons. It has been highly valued for centuries due to its rarity, beauty, and resistance to corrosion. Gold is also used in jewelry, coins, electronics, and dentistry. Additionally, gold mining contributes to economic growth by creating jobs and generating revenue for governments.

What was mined in Wittenoom?

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Asbestos was mined in Wittenoom, a remote town in Western Australia. The asbestos mine in Wittenoom operated from 1943 to 1966, and during that time, large quantities of blue asbestos, also known as crocidolite, were extracted. However, the mining operations led to severe health issues for the miners and residents due to asbestos exposure.

Who is responsible for relationships with other countries?

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The government of a country, specifically the executive branch, is responsible for managing relationships with other countries. This is typically done through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department of State, or equivalent agency. Diplomatic relations, negotiations, treaties, and other aspects of international relations are the purview of the government.

Was Sidney Nolan in the war?

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Yes, Sidney Nolan served in World War II. He enlisted in the Australian Army and was stationed in various locations, including Egypt and New Guinea. His experiences during the war greatly influenced his artwork and themes.