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Ferris State University does offer an article stating that black babies were once used as alligator bait. This is relatively unknown by the general public.

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Q: Did You Know that Black Babies Were Once Used as Alligator Bait?
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Are black lights safe for babies?

Black lights are not safe for babies. Their eye's are still developing, if babies are exposed to the UV black light they need protection for their eyes. Parents will not know the UV lights are dangerous until damage is already done and it can not be reversed. If in doubt it is best not to have your babies exposed to this light until they are older and their eye sight is not so vulnerable. Always, check with your pediatrician and have the doctor check the babies eyes if the baby has been exposed to the UV light.

What animal is often mistaken for a crocodile?

An ALLIGATOR. Remember crocodiles are from the 'old world' and ALLIGATORS are from the 'AMERICAS'. It is 'A'; for 'A'.

How do you get an alligator to go away?

In my opinion call animal contros and definitely DON'T GO near it.You don't know what to do or even call a nearby alligator farm if there is one.

Species of spider that carry their babies on the back?

I believe this is a wolf spider... I don't know if this hurts the babies chances of survival... but if you hit the mother with a small stick or something, the babies will pop off like something out of a scary movie : )

How many babies can an armadillo lizard have?

Actually, I was just looking around to see how many babies Alligator lizards usually have and I ran across this page. I have several Alligator lizards and one of them has just given birth to 3 LIVE lizards... so far. They came out 1 at a time, each in their own little slimy sack and after a few minutes wiggled their way out and are now running around the cage. So... not all lizards lay eggs, contrary to popular belief. These lizards are native to western Wa, I don't know about any of the other breeds of Aligator lizards from other areas.

Related questions

What color is a baby alligator?

Due to the enzymes still being developed, the skin portrays a purple shade. Babies also have bands of orange which is lost as the alligator grows.

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if they have a black dot on there belly

What is the specific classification of a alligator?

An alligator is Class Reptilia.

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Sorry I dont know

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I don't know?Bait.

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Alligator Snapping Turtle

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You don't want to know............

Are black lights safe for babies?

Black lights are not safe for babies. Their eye's are still developing, if babies are exposed to the UV black light they need protection for their eyes. Parents will not know the UV lights are dangerous until damage is already done and it can not be reversed. If in doubt it is best not to have your babies exposed to this light until they are older and their eye sight is not so vulnerable. Always, check with your pediatrician and have the doctor check the babies eyes if the baby has been exposed to the UV light.

What animal is often mistaken for a crocodile?

An ALLIGATOR. Remember crocodiles are from the 'old world' and ALLIGATORS are from the 'AMERICAS'. It is 'A'; for 'A'.

Is it illegal to use bluegills as bait for catfish or bass?

don't know in all states but in Kentucky no would be the answer it is legal to use bluegill as bait

What is the approx weigh of a 8 ft alligator?

yes .bacause the alligator is nothing to have .yup i don;t know na eh

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i dont know how i just have the game