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Q: Did a recent federal decision abolished the fairness doctrine?
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What is the proper noun for fairness?

A proper noun is the name or title of a specific person, place, or thing.Examples of proper nouns for the common noun 'fairness' are:New Yorkers for Fiscal Fairness (organization) in Albany, NY;The Fairness Doctrine, introduced in 1949 by the United States Federal Communications Commission (abolished in 1987);Fairness Close (street) in Shrewsbury, UK

The main intention of the Fairness Doctrine was to?

It's a policy of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission established to ...

This Federal Communication Commission rule requires offering equal airtime in the broadcast media for all major candidates competing for political office is called?

fairness doctrine

What is the Doctrine of Finality?

Finality doctrine refers to a rule relating to administrative law which states that a federal court will not judicially review an administrative agency's action until that agencies decision is final. The rule is also known as final-order doctrine; doctrine of finality or principle of finality

What is the fairness Doctrine?

It's a policy of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission established to where those who hold broadcasting liscenses are required to present controversial issues of "public interest" in a manner that's "balanced", "fair", "equitable" and "honest". It was introduced in 1949 as a means to regulate the first amendment!

Who abolished slavery and gave the right to freedom guaranteed by the federal government?

Abraham Lincoln

Who abolished the Federal Reserve?

No one, it still exists and has a strangle hold on the world economy.

In what ways could the doctrine of nullification have made it difficult for the federal government to operate?

The Doctrine of Nullification held that states had the right to declare null and void any federal law they deem unconstitutional.

Is the federal court while making decision bound to its own previous decision?

Yes. The Federal Courts follow the doctrine of stare decisis. They will only overturn precedent if a higher court has ruled on the issue differently.Added: The above answer is correct insofar as it goes, However, if by "the federal courts" you mean to include ALL Federal Courts (to include the Supreme Court) you will find many instances of the Supreme Court reversing it's own theretofore long-standing decisions. (e.g.: Dred Scott).

The idea that states can reject federal laws is?

The Doctrine of Nullification.

Why did treatment of Cherokee get worse after the Supreme Court declared Georgias Indians removal laws to be unconstitutional?

The federal government did not enforce the court's decision.

The Doctrine of Nullification stated that the individual states did not have to obey Federal laws?
