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Q: Did able in the Bible go to heaven?
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Who in the bible went to heaven alive?

No one can go to Heaven alive.

Anyone can go to heaven?

According to the Bible, anyone can go to heaven. A person will go to heaven if he or she believes that Jesus died from their sins and that he rose from the dead, and if they pray to him and ask him into their heart.

Do reptiles go to Heaven?

The Bible clearly indicates there will be animals in heaven. See Isaiah 65:25 and Rev. 19:14 for two examples. The Bible says they will be there as part of God's new creation,not by any act of their own.

What is the truth mean base on the bible?

the bible is basically explaining that if you want to go to heaven go to God in all your troubled times

Can you go to heaven for the weather and hell for the company?

you can't go to heaven and hell at the same time. it depends on how many sins you make. check the bible

Did able go to heaven?

He may not go as sin had entered man by then.

Do you go to heaven we you die?

For Christians you go to heaven by believing the gospel, and knowing that Jesus died for us. Learn his word in the Bible. When you dont do that stuff and really believe in him and ask him to be your savior you wont go to heaven.

When you die does your spirit go to heaven?

yes but i you don't belive that look in the BIBLE

What scripture is in the bible saying that no one goes to heaven until jesus returns?

there is no scripture in the bible that says that. when you die if you have made Jesus lord of your life, you will go to heaven and live eternally with him. if not, you go to eternal suffering in hell.

Who is heaven promised to?

all people who accept Christ as their personal savior and repent of their sins.Answer:There is no such promise in the Bible. Nowhere in the Bible does it say: "Go to heaven." Or, "Go to hell," for that matter.Jesus Christ says: "And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but He that came down from heaven, even the Son of Man which is in heaven." (John 3:13)You have to go to the various denominations of modern professing Christianity who teach it outside the Bible... and other religions and teachings of men to find heaven promised to anyone.The Bible does state, however, that it is Satan's fervent desire to go there. Perhaps this is the source of men's desire to go there, of which he is unaware:"...For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God..." (Isa.14:13).

What does 7th heaven mean from the bible?

There is no "seventh heaven" in the bible. Paul speaks about the "third heaven" in 2 Corinth

Can vampire go to heaven?

Sure why not. At least in The Bible, there is no prohibition against vampires going to heaven. The Bible says only one thing keeps people out of heaven. And that is by dying in unbelief. If anyone dies "rejecting" God in their hearts - they get sent to Satan's hell. That is what the Christian Bible tells us. God wants everyone to go to heaven (II Peter 3:9) and John 3:16 is very clear about Jesus dying for EVERYBODY - no exceptions. God is not prejudiced at all. Galatians 3:28 On the other hand, since Vampires in the literature are typically unrepentant murderers, another Christian perspective is that they would not go to Heaven. Even in the Twilight version of Vampires, if you can't die, you wouldn't be able to go to heaven. Luckily, since vampires do not actually exist, it is unlikely to ever come up.