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Q: Did aboriginals use blue paint
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What aboriginals use to dot paint?

aboriginals use paint brushes to paint

How did the aboriginals make blue paint?

time travel.

Did Aboriginals wear make up?

Yes aboriginals wear make up, but to them it is called face paint made from oaka, they use face paint when preforming they tribal dance or for a very important occasion.

How did Aboriginals get paint?

tehy crushed berries into paste

How did aboriginals paint their boomerangs?

they used their willy tips.

What paint colors are mixed to red paint?

To get red paint, one can use blue and purple paint. One can use red and yellow to then make orange. Blue and yellow will make green paint. Red paint can also be purchased.

What did aboriginals paint about?

they painted about animals, weponds and other things

Lisa uses 9.1 pints of white paint and blue paint to paint her bedroom walls. 35 of this amount is white paint, and the rest is blue paint. How many pints of blue paint did she use to paint her bedroom walls?


What liquid is used in the Blue Man Group Paint Drum act?

They use paint...

Why do aboriginals paint themselves white?

i dont know someone tell me

What paint did matisse use for blue nudes?


What did the aboriginals use to make clothes?

aboriginals didn't really were clothes but they would sometimes cover themselves in body paint, but they would wear a cover over their private bits made of kangaroo skins or other animal skin. :)