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He had private dwellings within houses that were attached to his office. Much like the President has the White House.

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Q: Did adolf Hitler have a house when he was killing Jews?
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What u mean by Adolph Hitler?

Adolf Hitler, the Chancellor of Germany from 1933-1945, responsible for the killing of millions of Jews.

Who is idea was it to start killing the Jews?

Adolf Hitler. His actions resulted in World War II.

Was adolf Hitler known world wide and for what?

Yes. For killing thousands of Jews... He wanted to take over the world.

Who was Adolf Hitler after?

Adolf Hitler was after the Jews. He wanted all the Jews dead.. He wanted the girls to have blue eyes and blonde hair

What were Adolf Hitler's words exactly for killing Jews?

he did not say anything that specific. He would use phrases like 'Jew-free' or 'the Jews will cause their own destruction'.

Related questions

What were some of Adolf Hitler's accomplishments?

being horrible and killing jews.

What are genocides known for?

for killing the Jews and know for by nazi adolf Hitler

What u mean by Adolph Hitler?

Adolf Hitler, the Chancellor of Germany from 1933-1945, responsible for the killing of millions of Jews.

Who is idea was it to start killing the Jews?

Adolf Hitler. His actions resulted in World War II.

What were Adolf Hitler's interest?

his favorite past time hobby was killing Jews with his ballistic knife.

What were Nazis doing during world war 2?

They were killing all the Jews under Adolf Hitler's command.

Was adolf Hitler known world wide and for what?

Yes. For killing thousands of Jews... He wanted to take over the world.

Who did the Germans kill?

Adolf Hitler killed no Germans, Jews, or anyone else. He had his ugly, twisted henchmen do it for him.

Did Adolf Hitler commit any crimes?

Yes, he did. Killing innocent Jews and the other stuff he did would be counted as a crime.

Were the Jews employed as pieces of furniture in Hitler's house?

no, Hitler was against having Jews around. He is held responsible for killing six million of them.

Adolf Hitler hated Jews so he killed them all almost?

Adolf Hitler killed 6 million jews.

Who was Adolf Hitler after?

Adolf Hitler was after the Jews. He wanted all the Jews dead.. He wanted the girls to have blue eyes and blonde hair