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Q: Did all bats evolve from one ancestral flying mammal?
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Related questions

Is there a flying mammal?

Bats are a mammal that can fly.

What is the only flying mammal on earth?

Bats are the only flying mammal. While there are animals CALLED flying squirrels, they do not truly fly- they glide.No bats are not the only flying mammals. The flying mammals are Sugar Gliders and Bats

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What type of vertebrate is a bat?

bats belong to phylum- Vetebrates &they are mammals- flying mammals

Mammals that fly?

The only mammal that can (truly) fly is a bat. The rest can glide or parachute jump.

What is the species and genus of a flying mammal bat?

The order for bats is Chiroptera.

What Australian flying mammal eats blossoms or fruit?

Australian bats

Are bats born alive or in a egg?

Bats are the only flying mammal, and they give live birth.

Representing almost a quarter of all mammal species what are the only flying mammals?


What is the only mammal that really flies?

Bats are the only mammal that can fly. However, there are 950 species of Bats.

What austrailan flying mammal eats blossoms or fruits?

Almost all bats eat blossoms or fruits