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Q: Did all of the bodies buried because of the black plague effect us today?
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Why many bodies of plague victims were not buried when the plague was it worst in England?

They would decompose and become just bones.

Two reasons why many bodies of plague victims were not buried when the plague was at its worst in England?

so the people wouldn't get the plague aswell. so the wont get infected by the diseaces from the plague from the people that were dead

Where the bone of plague victims are buried?

they was buried in la seine Paris

Why is there always smoke on tv when they talk about the plague?

Because they may have burned the dead bodies

Why wasn't some of the plague victims buried when the plague was at it's worst?

So they did not get it

After the black plague hit how did people get rid of the bodies?

Many were buried in 'Plague Pits', large communal graves.

How did the Black Death effect children's games?

because the plague was so deadly

Where are the bones of plague victims are buried in france?

The catacombs

What did they do with the bodies form the black plague?

they burned the bodies sometimes.I'm not positive on who it was,I think the Mongolians,would keep the bodies of the plague victims and take a catapult and launch the bodies into Europe to infect them.Which is how it spread to Europe,who had the biggest dent in the population than any other country.None were affected more than Europe because of the Mongolians.

How did the plague effect Europe religiously?

Religious people thought that the plague was sent by God as a punishment for sin. Because of all the widespread death due to the whole plague Religious people found it diffeicult to gain trust in their religion because of the death. It did effect Europe in a reasonably large way. However one thing that was not hindered by the plague was the Pope who locked him self in locked quaters. He did not catch either plague.

How did the black plague diminish?

The black plague was diminished by many factors. People began to practice better hygiene, bodies of the dead were burned instead of buried, people would light fires in their homes to purify the air and individuals would also only go out into the public if it were necessary.

Who does the plague effect?

It effect almost everyone in england.